Please don't add forced lgbt representation

The slavic language has nothing to do with any of this. “Bae” in my native is poop/fecal/crap. Irrelevant

Comprehension. I said gender is based off of it.


So if there were only 300 people, no society; females wouldn’t behave like females and men…men. Men would act like women and vice versa?

That’s awesome. I’m informing all of the people I know that use this.

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Yes, I have. Read up.

That’s illogical fallacy, but w/e.

Scroll up ^^

That would be wonderful! Though honestly a mix of the two wouldn’t be that bad either. Sometimes the random quest giver is gay, and we don’t draw major attention to it but it’s obviously there, isn’t a bad thing.

I would love to see us meet some characters who are gay or trans be recurring and even major in the lore.

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Post them again.

No. Scroll up.

Actually I heard of people training themselves or their kids to be ambidextrous and it cause some issues. Let me see if I can find that.

Many in the GLBT spectrum are fine with the singular non gendered use of “they”. It is not invented for “Newspeak”. It is proper in our language as of yesterday, and before.

For example:

Bob: “My friend works downtown.”

Joe: “I go downtown often. Which store do they work at?”

The word “they” can also be a singular non gendered pronoun.

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Absolutely, please stop forcing representation into things. Let this kind of stuff happen naturally.

Stop forcing cringy, uninspired crap into the spotlight. Just to check boxes for all the whiners.

Forcing an artists hand is only going to make things worse.



The amount of times I’ve had to explain this to people…

They/them has always been usable for a singular nongendered pronoun…

I’ve had people use it in the sentences they use to talk about how it’s not able to be used that way… That way. Lol

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That does mention naturally ambidextrous, I was born right handed though and trained it. Though it would explain why I hated school. I’m also kind of philisophically obsessed with balance (not the thanos way) if that affects things.

He’s going to kill us all! Run!

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The hardest choices require the strongest wills

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Actually language is quite important here as pronouns are part of language (aka, a social construct)

CAN be based of it, but not always, and as you’ve been told sometimes inacuratly.

Correct, and since you enjoy having things cited.
Kindly read into the case study of Genie by Curtiss et al 1972

which details the situation of a little girl who was locked in an attic with no social interaction, and behaved like a feral animal with no language skills.

So you don’t have any proof at all okay.

You just assumed her gender. I thought it was a social KoNsTrUt!!!

Of course she acted like that without influence. She was in survival mode.

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False. But if it makes you feel better…

Believe it despite it being false. After all, you believe in all other falsehoods.