Please don't add forced lgbt representation

Telling me “u shld know” isn’t the proof that is needed for your claim…but w/e.

You should know that the moon is greencheese. Because…reasons.

Because as civilisation grew we also learnt and everything expanded. our knoweldge our understanding. Different languages will apply different genders to different nouns, for example, using German again, ship uses ‘Das’ which is the gender neutral word for ‘the’ while in English ships are refered to as female.
I’ll admit I know more about gender in languages as that was my subject of interest, while Railius can likely give you a better explination on gender in humans as it seems more personal experiance to them.

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I would expect people who have opinions on transgender issues actually know about transgender issues.

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I mean, this doesn’t go too into detail. Surely in every last society, this wasn’t suppressed until now. Has to be one, right?

Children need to be left alone to figure out who they are. You as a parent have no right to decide what that child is. It is their life to live and experience and only through their life will they figure out who they are. Children are a girl today and an elephant tomorrow. Let them live their life to an adult and let them make their own decision of what they want to do. Do not force them to transition earlier than they need to be as this will cause way more harm than good.


So much this.


Actually what the realisation is that there multiple components to gender and it’s not a simple binary issue. One of those components can be a dissonance with how the brain is wired compared to the external plumbing as those are determined by different processes in natal development that are not always in sync. My spouse for instance was born with a female exterior, but his mental processes and acuities have always conformed to a male brain as opposed to a female one. (Yes, we are literally wired differently up there.) That dissonance is what is known as gender dysphoria and it can not be trained away any more than left handedness.


The Dutch method involves giving children hormone suppressants to delay puberty until they can make up their minds and understand the gravity of their decision.

The reason for this is because puberty makes transition that much harder because it results in invasive surgeries. by delaying puberty and buying people more time to make their decision, should these people in their teens decide that they would prefer to be something else they can take hormones and naturally develop the secondary sexual characteristics of their chosen sex without surgery or dealing with as much dysphoria.

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Not necessarily, again the German word for cat uses the feminine pronoun. Even though the cat could be male in terms of sex, gender of the word is female.

You still arn’t getting the divide in Gender and Sex. they are not the same thing.

Sex is the genetics,
Gender is the pronouns used and identity, which is a social construct. Without society we wouldn’t have language and wouldn’t have gender. Just sex.

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Doesn’t that sound self-defeating?

You are making a claim, and that requires factual evidence. Not a argument from authority. If your position is strong and valid, it should be easy to support with facts.

Official quotas being illegal doesn’t mean that they still aren’t a thing that happens.

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If something were to be added, I would hope the quest would be more then just some throwaway side quest (aka the token stereotypical character often thrown into movies just for the sake of being there aka the poorly placed gay guy at the end of Beauty and the Beast.). Let it lead to something where we want to care about the npc and what happens to them.


Hormone suppressants cause more issues than fix them.

If gender is a social construct then there’s no reason to transition. If genitalia and gender aren’t tied then a sex change is a non-sequitur.

You don’t DECIDE if you’re transgender any more than you can descide to be a left hander. Trying to force the issue or accepting someone else’s effort to do so is going to screw you up majorly inside.

Is there any peer-reviewed research into this “Dutch method”?

You have yet to link any links to any sort of studies at all. This means that your quote-unquote facts are just is invalid as mine are. So why don’t you show me your proof and I’ll show you mine.

Might not be a good example, I trained my left hand to where I’m ambidextrous.

Correct and incorrect. You do not choose if you are transgender or not. However you do choose if you transition or not.

I never said it could be trained away. I said gender dysphoria is real. I agree with you. But, I don’t agree with making up pronouns for no reason other than to make yourself feel important. If you want to be called he then i will call you he. If you want to be called she then i will call you she. Anything else is off the table.