Please don't add forced lgbt representation

If society determines gender, than gender must be independent from sex because sex is determined by science. How does society determine a child’s interests?

Ah damnit, you got so close but just fell back to your short sighted and narrow minded default.

Sex is determined by genetics.
Gender is determined by society, and society will commonly apply gender baised on sex to people and living creatures but will also apply gender to inanimate objects, because gender is a social construct that is independant of genetics.

This a ship is female, without any genetics to determine it because society determined it.

Unfortunatly you’re going to get an F- for this project, but thanks for trying.

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People make the assumption that there is parity between bits and brains at birth. Given there are cases of very young people realizing that they are transgender, and by very young I mean like 3 years old, I’d say it is biological at birth.

It’s basically a case of assuming gender identity. It has very little to do with biology outside of people looking at bits and “saying it’s a girl.” Then society raises that person surrounded by Pink and Barbie dolls. Conditioning that person to conform to the female gender identity. And then if we don’t seem to conform we get taken and given a makeover. And we are pressured to conform to society’s expected behaviors.

If we don’t work all a tomboy, and it’s just a phase. or we can call the term for a female dog used for breeding. Or we’re rejected and alienated.

That and physical parts, hormones, alleles, etc.

If it were determined by society and not biology, then explain how it’s determined, why and who obtained the authority. You seriously think that boys and girls behave those ways despite not having any influence to society?

Then you can clearly prove all behavior psychologists and scientists, wrong. Think about the opportunity!!

If it isn’t part of genetics, then how is it determined?

I have mountains of evidence that you have yet to prove wrong, and I am the failing one…gotcha.

Just because a doctor looks a bit since says it’s a girl doesn’t mean they’re actually right about the person’s gender identity.

We don’t currently have means to test if someone has bit brain parity.

Science has proven that there is, that’s why 90% of us “think” that. But go on…

Citation needed.
You just said that there’s no parity in reproductive parts and brains. But you continue with kids knowing they are trans…lolwut? So, by your “logic”:

No one can know their what they are, but they know what they are on the opposite end. And if they can make that change at age 3 without the biological pairing, then this whole mess is a “social construct” because people are manipulating them, and not letting them be natural to biology.

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Like they did to Iceman and Green Lantern. :popcorn:

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By society and expectations. You allready admited it yourself, the ship has no genetics but it is female because society decided it was, gender is a social construct. its a means of identification used by society to lable he/she etc.

Again, the german language has a gender applied to every noun, which is not tied to sex.

No True Scotsman fallacy a-hoy!

I’m scared to comment, but why was this construct not as expansive when civilization first started forming? Educational interest.

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If transgender people exist, which they do.
And several brain studies show that transgender people have brains closer to their target sex than their birth sex, which they do.
Then the stance that brain and bits are always in parity is false.

So if a child knows their “identity”, where to they get the influence from if it’s not biology or their psychology?


Gender and sex are not my expertise. I can see how having gender and sex linked at the start of someones life being useful for them to get a grasp of who they are. However, gender dysphoria is a real thing and it shows that sex and gender are not linked in the long term. But, once you start bringing in gender pronouns other than he/she I no longer care about your issues. I will not call you xim, zer, zed, they or them (unless used in the appropriate context of a sentence), attack helicopter or w/e.

Then why do you care if they do happen to put in a woman npc who gives you a quest to find her wife?

You say you don’t care but the moment someone asks to see some representation, folk sure do suddenly need to say how much they “don’t care”.


if you were actually well versed in transgender issues you would know that there are cases of children who are very young insisting that they are the opposite gender.

you would also know that the Dutch method is being used to delay these young people’s puberty until they are developed enough to go through the therapy to determine if a transition is right for them.

Let me guess… you’re one of those old black female Trekkies who hated Uhura’s presence on the bridge of Star Trek.

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Close. I’m a fat white guy.

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What expectations? So society has boy or girl expectations not based on sex. What is it based on, then?

You seriously think that this makes sense…lol And you have yet to answer any previous questions with any facts. Let’s plow ahead…

Right. So you can say that it takes genetics to determine sex and gender. Great.
So, you’re saying that if the ship had genetics, we wouldn’t determine it’s gender.

I wouldn’t have a problem with a new character being added who asks you to look for their significant other who was the same gender. What I would have a problem with is if out of the blue Tyrande and Alleria announced they were in love with each other for the sake of ‘diversity’.(or any character who already has an established relationship)


That’s perfectly fair. We shouldn’t just change a character for no reason.

Tyrande especially given how much she screams for Malfurion…