Please don't add forced lgbt representation

If it’s a “sex crisis” and gender is not associated with sex, then how does it affect gender?

Try answering my logical questions instead of parroting “u dnt knw wht ur tlkng abt”.

I’m pointing out that inanimate objects have a gender. But do not have a sex. A gender that was applied to them by society, thus a social construct.
I don’t understand how you arn’t getting this, its a very basic concept.

Sex applies to organisms, because its baised on genetics,
Gender can apply to anything, because its a social construct.

I had a teddy as a kid who was a ‘he’ because I decided he was, I didn’t do a DNA test.

Because Transgender is not a thing, it’s a media buzzword that is incorrect.

The right term is Trans-sexual.

Because it’s not alive in order for biology to determine it.


Biology does not determine gender.

Still stands:
Since people change their sex, you deny how gender changes with that?

Then gender is pointless.

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Gender does not necessarily have to change with sex.

What does sjw mean

It does, but I will ask:

If biology doesn’t determine someone’s gender, then what/who does?

Social justice warrior

Transgender likely has a biological component.

The need to transition is likely partially because of societal gender norms being aggressively forced and partially because it’s a treatment for dysphoria.

OH! YES! you’re so close to grasping this concept!!

So if its not alive for biology to determine it, then what determined it…?

Come on you can do this, I have faith in you.


But can a man get pregnant ?


On Moon Guard they can. (and WrA)


Sex changes with gender? If gender isn’t based on sex, and both can be changed willie-nillie, then how does either one get determined or established without biology if you’re changing biology?

Gender is based on sex because society makes it based on sex by determining it at birth. This is why people say they are assigned sex at birth.

Afab. Amab.

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Yes! You admit that biology determines gender and sex. Good job, you stopped denying facts.

No society determines gender at birth.

Sex is determined because of biological fact. But, if gender is based on sex, then society bases sex on what?