Please don't add forced lgbt representation

Brainiac 5.

To be fair he could be referencing WoW as no representation.

Never heard of it.

I don’t think the quarantine is banning any of you from getting fresh air and by the looks of this thread, some of you need it.

I am sitting in a steaming hot room with recycled air and you cannot stop me.


It was merely a jest, I agree with you on the forced thing, I’d hate to see Blizzard follow Marvel’s steps.

No, it’s not. If you want diversity, you can’t diminish it, first. There’s psychological, psychical, and mental differences between men and women, not any projection of “equality” can deny that. All of these traits start at birth, and young age.

Saying that a biological trait is a “sOcUl KoNsTrUkT” is not only devaluation of what men and women are, but also diminishes any type of diversity.

Ask these critical questions:

A: How can someone claim to have an innate gender identity if gender is socially constructed?

B: How does a person determine their gender?

C: What about the claim that the newfound liberation of otherwise closeted transgender people is only recognizing a group of people that already existed in the shadows, and not creating a group of people that didn’t otherwise exist?

"The body clearly reveals their gender. Greg Koukl asks a pertinent question to illustrate this point: What would you say to someone who told you they were really a rabbit, but trapped in a human’s body? We would think this person is seriously confused, and in need of psychiatric treatment. Why? Because species is determined by one’s biology, not their mind. So why think gender is any different? Both cases involve someone thinking that they are someone other than what their biology indicates they are. The problem is mental, not physical. The individual suffering from gender identity disorder is incapable of seeing himself or herself according to what s/he is in biological reality.

When forced to decide between the objective and the subjective, we should go with the objective. Biology is objective, whereas one’s gender perception is subjective. When there is a conflict between the two, we should look to the objective to tell us what is real. Given the objectivity of physical reality, it strikes me as ludicrous to locate the problem with the body rather than the mind! Instead of chemically manipulating and surgically mutilating a perfectly good body to bring it into conformity with one’s mental perception of their gender, we should work on changing one’s mind to bring it into conformity with physical reality.


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Well… Yikes.


Sometimes it might just be easier not to open that can at all.

Because no matter what Bluzzard does,they won’t be able to win. It will either be “obviously a token pandering that’s offensive” or “a passive afterthought with no lore significance”.

I just want everyone to feel part of and immersed in the world imo. And part of that is why I am on a RP server.

Through RP you can fill in the gaps Blizzard has missed, or because they might be too nervous to implement it “wrong” and get a crowd shouting them down for not being exactly right in whatever they implemented.

I would love to see them as just another entry in the world. And regardless of what people say or complain about, they don’t have to be major characters. Having a minor NPC LGBT couple is still inclusion in the world.

As long as everyone, equally feels comfortable and welcome in the game is the most important part. Imo

I’m bi and I didn’t vote for them

You are confusing Sex and Gender as being the same thing.

Sex is a biological trait.
Gender is not.
Again the ship has no biological traits, but its refered to as ‘she’ its gender is female, not because of gentics but because of social expectations.

This goes into languages too, German for example has about 9 different words for ‘the’ which are used depending on tense and the gender of the subject.
For example “Katze” the word for cat is a feminine word, so you use “Die” as the word The. But the cat could be male in terms of sex.

Your whole argument is based on the fact you can’t tell the difference between Sex and gender.

Sex = Biological identity
Gender = social construct.

I never stated that at all. I said gender is based on sex. Comprehension…

How isn’t it?

If gender is a “social construct”, how did society make the determination of who has what interests and why?

You say gender is a social construct, but you give the authority to determine it to society. Do you see the fail?

Not even close to any description.

Second one is incorrect. If I am wrong, feel free to prove it and provide the evidence.

There are a few very minor instances where brain structure is different between people who are of the male sex and of the female sex. I don’t believe these are set in stone because neuroplasticity is a thing.

Several brain studies of transgender people, pre hormone, of those parts of the brain show that the brain structure is more like the target gender identity than the bits.

The physiological change could be caused by neuralplasticity, it is also possible that a transgender person was born that way. Like, their chromosomes (there’s more than xx xy btw, there are cases of people having opposite chromosomes from their bits and even being fetile) made their body one way but a surge of hormones during brain development resulted in a nonparity between bits and brains.

Please explain to me how the ship is female because of its gentics.

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How can one speak about anyone and transgender, if gender is A) social construct and B) when men and women have no differences?

So many fails in the left’s “arguments”. This “woke” garbage is just wanting equality due to diversity, due to harmonization.


Ship? What ship?

Any ship, ships are refered to as ‘she’.

Because Trans is a crisis of sex not gender.

As others have said you don’t know the difference and that’s why it makes no sense to you.


You’re comparing a water vessel to organisms? Seriously?

Address my points and questions, instead.

What? I need a translation here.