Please don't add forced lgbt representation

Please fix, you seem to have attached my name to someone else’s post.

So like it has for me? If I’m experiencing normal, what are you experiencing?

A group of people still facing violence after thousands of years when it’s pretty normal to be Jewish and the vast, vast, vast majority of people really don’t care.

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Well it’s not like we can gather in public and protest. #SocialDistancing

Mass media is a form of art and art is a tool to persuade and educate. Art has been used that way for hundreds of years.

So what were you doing before this?

The WoW forums are mass media now?

However, there becomes a problem when artistic integrity is sacrificed for these things. I will only be behind an lgbt character if that’s not their personality, because it’s not my personality, it’s my sexuality.

I’ll answer for you.

Reprisentation gives people a sense of belonging, its something to look up to, to fill you with confidance and lets you be yourself. Maybe you look up to superman, other people need that too.

And yes it will prevent physical assult. Angry joe hates gay people, because he was raised that way, but as he gets older he starts playing overwatch and finds out his favorite character is gay, it makes him rethink, it humanizes gay people and makes him realise that theres an actual person behind what they hate.

reprisentation teaches the newer genirations acceptance, it makes things normal and people fear the unknowen.

If you think its not preventing actual physical assult, your very nieve.


You can accomplish a lot more on social media platforms

Whoa, no he doesn’t. Angry Joe is awesome!

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The massively multiplayer online game World of Warcraft reaches quite a few people. It is worthwhile to seek representation in this medium.

Usually, I’m at the University pride center helping other LGBT students access resources such as affordable housing, medical care, and access to food allowance.

I suppose I was hasty in making the statement where it would affect nothing. However, I would much rather things be naturally added than forced.

It’s pretty well known the forums are a tiny, tiny fraction of the actual playerbase. Technically you would do better shouting off garbage in trade chat.

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What’s wrong with the representation we have in media already? There are gay super heroes. There are black super heroes. There are mexican super heroes. There is a super hero representing everyone.

Representation does not teach anyone anything. The parent teaches acceptance.

Blizzard suggests that people making suggestions such as this come to the forms.

I do. Gender is the psychological and physiological response behavior to a sex. I have prior evidence to this process. You should read up on the thread. Comprehension, and all…

Because I am entitled to my viewpoint as much as anyone is, and I have a basic knowledge of psychological behaviors.

I have. Comprehension is your friend. Otherwise, you would have proven my sources wrong. Which you never did. All you keep doing is this: “But u sed dis n nawt dat!!” circle argument.

[quote=“Kordana-wyrmrest-accord, post:700, topic:482514”]
You started by stating the gay agenda was blackmailing hollywood producers and when asked for evidence you couldn’t find any[/quote]

I did. You failed to read and comprehend it.

Nope. I have sources. They’re in place, read them. All you are now doing is finger pointing and pointing out petty, irrelevant issues. At least I have an argument.

Calling someone stupid for disagreeing is an insult.

And another insult because you fail to argue properly.

I think most people would want that too though. There is nothing wrong with you not needing or wanting good representation in your media, I just don’t see why we would completely bar it entry just because we ourselves don’t want it when others do.

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Well, I’m glad to see you don’t have an issue with the OPs thread at least.

I’m beginning to see that there is a simple miscommunication with this thread’s sole title, as the OP agrees with you.

Now that part I fully agree with. A character introduced just to tick a box and with no character beyond the sexuality is simply bad writing. And bad writing is never a good thing, but that goes across all writing. A love interest who is a beutiful woman with no personallity and only exists to be the heros prize is just as bad… Bad writing is bad writing. But that is a seperate issue to LGBT reprisentation.

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You’re blatantly wrong about gender, gender is a cultural construct. I’ve neither the time or energy to educate you about it. I just don’t care enough.

You do you. I’m sure in a page or so someone else will be crapping on you in my stead.


If someone makes a crap suggestion it’s up to us to argue against it. My posts with meat on them are not written for a bunch of bigoted and selfish forum trolls. They’re aimed at a blizzard employee that might be looking at this suggestion.