Please don't add forced lgbt representation

And it has changed my life, in order to make it acceptable. Which means, it’s not needed anymore, it’s fine.

So the work is done here.

So the work is not done THERE.

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Shouldn’t you take the fight there than, instead of the WoW forums.


I have been assaulted physically, not to mention slurred for coming out and I’m in California.

I still don’t have reputation.

That sounds like something police can handle, not WoW.

Are we seeing where I’m coming from yet?


Yeah, that’s actually illegal. Kind of similar to everyone else.

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No because you don’t see where I’m coming from.

Clearly the job’s not done.

Right, until all lgbt people are immune to physical assault? Or unless it’s against the law to assault someone?

Too bad it isn’t against the law to assault someone, I’m sure representation will fix that.

Normalization will fix that. we can’t have normalization without representation.

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You’re so ignorant about this subject you don’t even know the difference between sexual orientation and gender. How can you even be here arguing? I don’t even believe in gender fluid :rofl:

When you first inserted your opinion here you told me to “L2Debate”. You’ve not refuted or disproven any evidence thrown at you, you just jumped to the next thing.

You started by stating the gay agenda was blackmailing hollywood producers and when asked for evidence you couldn’t find any so you shifted to bakeries and hallmark. You already lost the “debate” there. The rest of your posts are the same thing, baseless opinions disguised as fact that you defend by typing “intolerance” at everyone who calls you out.

I did not insult, I stated a fact: You’ve no intellectual integrity, you just pretend you do in order to argue things you demonstratively don’t understand.

You also might be a Troll, I’d honestly prefer that at this point.


It’s easy to preach on a forum it takes a lot more conviction and effort to affect change where a problem actually exists.

Become an activist for countries where LBGT people are arrested, that would be a great place to focus some energy.

Volunteer at a crisis center and work with youth or adult in crisis due to being LGBT

I want to know exactly how you think human ignorance can be defeated for solely lgbt people when it hasn’t been for everyone else.

If you notice, the same people who are racist have a higher chance of being homophobic. You cannot fix them.

I want to know why you think normalization won’t help anything at all and therefore we should totally not normal eyes and let things keep happening because it’s not the perfect solution.

Because your example of assault is directly used, I will also use it.

Not a single bit of representation will prevent physical assault or turn a person filled with malice into an understanding one.

Now courtesy demands you answer my other question.

I’m sure Jewish people are wondering the same thing.

It’s a fight that should be on all fronts, you realise theres a T in LGBT right? theres a long way to go before we’ve reached acceptance yet. Think about other people, not just the fact you’ve been lucky enough not to face opression. Which again, you owe to the activists.

No it isn’t, far from it, we’ve made massive steps yes but we are still far from equality.

And that dosen’t matter, you miss the point compleatly, that was one example.

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It’s already been normalized.

I’m unsure of what you mean.

How are we far from equality in the usa?

The thing that is going over your little head is that as people are exposed to things over and over again they become desensitized to those things. Those things become normal.

Back when I was young there was a big to-do about how two people what different skin colors kissed on the television. Today people don’t think much of it. That’s because they’ve been exposed to it, and it’s starting to become normalized just a bit.

The same can work for other things, like LGBT. I confronted the fellow students who slurred me with a piece of writing that invokes empathy from the reader for people like me. Are they would have never read it if my professor decided that representation was needed in the University newspaper.

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The WoW forums are on the front lines?


Nice how you make victim positioning assumptions based on biased reasoning. And to further your point, you make it from a position of authority.

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