Please don't add forced lgbt representation

Exactly, why is it one or the other with people?

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I’m about telling truth to power.

In this case, I’m telling truth to people promoting a ban of non-heterosexual content in a vidya game who are claiming to be LGBT to justify their rubbish stance.

That’s some impressive mental gymnastics. In order to “ban” (meaning to remove and stop) it would have to have some content to begin with. There’s no “basically” in the presence of absolutes, which the truth is…or should be.

Your “logic” fails. Hard.

Being gay has nothing to do with gender fluid. At this point you’ve lost, your rebuttal is “Nobody knows” when you’ve been given numerous counts of studies. I can link more.

This was never a debate, you were never going to change your mind. Stop pretending you have any form of intellectual integrity. This entire thread is people proving you wrong and you shifting goal posts.


Um, this is really really ignorant.

Thats exactly what they are fighting for. if it wasn’t for those political activists we’d be getting beat to death for holding hands in the streets. All rights you have as an LGBT person you owe to those political activists who have forced the world to make steps this far to acceptings us, and they arn’t going to stop untill the journey is done, because we arn’t there yet. look at Russia for example.


Yes, that’s about what I gathered, that you have no sense of subjectivity and you want to control other people’s opinion.

Maybe years ago, not now. Not needed anymore. Political ideology for sexuality is outdated. I haven’t been oppressed personally.


Given your posts, your name is ironic.


This a thousand times. ^^^^

It’s called a like button, there for not wasting a forum post that can be used for an actual argument.


But…this isn’t Russia.


China won’t allow Blizz to do that, at least not in a way that is obvious, think about how it doesn’t impact anything like the representation in Overwatch to make it easy to censor that away for China.

What’s wrong with having characters I can identify with more having a natural role in the game? As stated above, as long as it isn’t forced, I’m all for a well-rounded character that is more than just their sexuality that seamlessly exists in various plot lines.
You don’t get to speak for all of us thankfully. Thanks for your opinion, noted, but I don’t agree.


In order to be fluid…it does. lol

Because they all differ. Again…comprehension.

What would you call it?

:rofl: Um…okay.

And there’s the insult. Good job.

If that’s how you see it.

ITT: A bunch of alleged bisexual zoomers tell people who have faced actual oppression that activism and representation is bad.


Sorry, I forgot my bi card at home officer.

“Y-you can’t have this thing you’re naturally born with if you don’t agree with our political stances!”


Wow, just wow


Nailed it. Two different lives. One of fear, one of truth.

Aren’t you that dude that claimed trans people were getting killed in wild numbers and I showed you the figures where it’s only a handful with only a small number of those being classified as hate crimes?

Could have been someone else though, all you goofy Blood Elves look the same.


Having actual representation when I was your age would have changed my life.

Representation is so important. The portion of LGBT I am is still invisible with little to no representation anywhere. I think there’s one TV show that has someone like me, and one NSFW actor or something like that.

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You haven’t been oppressed personally BECAUSE of those activists, because of things like gay pride, people have lietrally died fighting this so you have that luxary, and I’m happy for you. But its still not the case everywhere and as long as there are still people being oppressed and beaten and killed then the fight isn’t over, its not outdated yet.

The very fact that you feel it should stop just because you personally haven’t suffered is just beyond ignorant. Gay marrage still isn’t leagal everywhere, some places still find being gay punishable by death. this fight is FAR from over just because you’re one of the lucky ones.