Please don't add forced lgbt representation

What are the membership fees for being in the LGBT community?

I often see “I’m a member” and it makes me wonder why my sister hadn’t joined. She’s been gay for about 26 years now


She hasn’t reached peak gay yet.


comments like these are refreshing lol. Glad to see you again Sabbia. Glad to see you not arguing with me either.

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You google it and link it for us to see.

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My point with that was, an actress that keeps in shape at five and a half feet wouldn’t be 160lbs. If you follow the conversation back, you’ll see all I’m doing is explaining how describing the cast of the Ghostbusters remake as chubby and overweight is not only rude, but incorrect.


I love you.

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Pandering to the haters, I see.

Put all kinds of people all over the place. . . because that’s way more interesting than a bunch of characters who are the same.

Blizzard is a California company. Literally every major industry out of California feels the need to check those boxes. I mean look at the woke hollywood movement. They still have yet to figure out forced pandering means you go broke.


Agreed no one cares what someone’s sexuality is, do you and shut up about it. I hate when i’s being forced down people’s throat or promoted all the time.

People don’t like religion being forced in their face in everything they do don’t force your sexuality or political agendas in my face.


You do not speak for the LGBT community only yourself… :zipper_mouth_face:


Even lgbt is getting tired of lgbt flaunting it, just play the game and stop caring about rather your sexuality choices are represented in the game. It’s like you guys are trying to get on bored with diversity of color or race…

part of being equal in society is having diversity in everything and yet it seems you guys try to do everything you can to seperate and distance yourself from other groups.


And why, pray tell, are people still taking the bait and responding to the disingenuous bigot?

You’ll never get anywhere. He’ll continue to call lies facts, facts lies and move the goal posts whenever it suits.


Representation matters. Though it should be done out of a genuine desire to make the characters interesting and fairly natural. Blizzard has done fairly well finding a balance in Overwatch. Yes, they’re ticking boxes, trying to make characters from all sorts of backgrounds, ethnicities, sexual identities and orientations, but basically all of the characters are fairly interesting, have strong personalities, to the point where you could change a fair bit about certain things, and they’d still be interesting characters, though of course their experiances have coloured who they are as people. It’s all interconnected nicely.

Obviously they have a narrower cast of characters than wow, and so, much more detail is put into each than almost any wow character, and that’s fine. But, sometimes said wow characters are going to be a sexual or gender minority. As it should be.

If you want to avoid interacting with those characters? Sure, you do you. But you’re also going to be called out for it because it’s a bigotted behaviour. If I decide not to interact with a co-worker because they’re gay (or black, or white, or trans, etc), I’m going to be called out as bigotted. That’s not oppression. That’s being held accountable.


Strange how it is. They cry for diversity at the same time they want equality.


It’s not bigoted some people don’t agree with it, there is a HUGE difference between race diversity and sexual orientation in a game. If people are gonna accept it then that’s their choice but you can’t force nor make people accept it. I have no issue with people from LGBT but that doesn’t mean I agree with it either.

You can’t force me to agree with something I don’t and calling people names for it just makes you look like the bigot.

People have different beliefs and opinions on stuff, get used to it.


Nobody’s trying to force you to agree with anything. Well, I’m not. Everyone’s entitled to their opinion, though that opinion doesn’t need to be agreed with in any way. It doesn’t even need to be respected. So long as you respect their right to HAVE an opinion.

Yes, yes they do. I’m glad we agree.

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One thing people should be mindful of is that just because your sexuality and or gender identity is accepted where you live are doesn’t mean it’s the same everywhere in the US. Not everywhere is as progressive as places like California.

Hell, when I was seeking bottom surgery (a hysterectomy) a California, San Francisco, obgyn asked me if I had my boyfriend’s permission to remove my uterus and tried to convince me that I should carry a baby as a transman to the point she suggested a sp erm donor (was dating a trans guy) and an egg donor (I have heritable illnesses that are cruel and unusual to pass down). It took firing her and over five years of fighting for me to take back my bodily agency.

Not even California is as progressive as we think it is, but I digress…

Video games are a great storytelling medium that can be used to teach empathy for people who have been othered by society. It’s also a great medium for normalization. Representation in this medium is no different than the whole X-Men being an allegory for the civil rights movement was. It’s not forcing it down anyone’s throat. We can’t say the same for the heterosexual agenda.

Anyhow, it’s actually really easy to do in something like wow, especially with a new expansion coming.

A side quest (so all the triggered right wingers can avoid it) series accessible to everyone (enchanting in Legion is not enough because not everyone has enchanting) where you get some guy npc gifts for his beloved who he’s totally smitten over, then deliver them to another guy. It’s treated like no big deal here take this response letter to him. Basically a, “huh. He’s gay. Shrug

Similar can be done with a character who is awkward trying to feel better about themselves. Like the original Garrosh quest chain in BC but less whiny. In the quest chain of getting new clothes and potions for an NPC there’s a mixup and the character gets a transmorphc tincture and is like, “Woah. I finally feel better. Get me an eternal transphobic tincture.” The NPC selling the potion is like, “that’s the third one this week,” and shrugs.

I find it really hilarious that people are fine with a fantasy world full of orcs, and cow people, and fox people, and mechanical gnomes, and snake people, and magic but an NPC being smitten with the same sex or someone discovering through sex change potions that exist in game that they feel better as the other sex and get an IC version of the character redesign service to change their sex being too much.


Intentionally “representing” minorities is pointless. They should be represented proportionally, and if they’re common enough to need representation, then they’re common enough to represent themselves. You don’t need to intentionally add representation, just need to make sure representation isn’t purposely blocked.

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Nobody answered you because gender has absolutely nothing to do with the thread. It’s like talking about Lego and someone suddenly screams “But guys, what about Ted Bundy?!”.