Please don't add forced lgbt representation

Is it 2015 again!?

Continually? I can’t recall the last time, if ever, we’ve had an LGBTQ thread go as long as the one that kept getting locked. And no, I’m not interested in going to an RP server. I simply wish to see some gay characters along the lines of all the other characters I come across.

And some people enjoy seeing representations of themselves in games. Also saying it’s just a freaking video game when it’s a major IP of one of the highest valued, $48 billion, gaming companies is understating things by a lot.


Then go find your gay or trans whatever you are into friend and go roleplay or whatever. It does not need to be explained in games. We are characters trying to save the world and kill people. Not make love lol



Correct. A woman asking you to go look for her wife doesn’t need any explanation.

Don’t forget collect poop. lol

The Steamy Romance Novels and introduction of an actual NPC Paladin Marcus would lead me to believe this is not true.

Also, I’m not asking for love making. Curious why it’s always brought up, but hey.


And I am not interested in seeing any of it. I play a blood elf, it in no way represents anything of me in my life. I don’t go around slaying dragons and monsters or fighting random people because they are part of a different faction. I do not need to be represented in the game. It’s a fantasy game and I want it kept as far away as possible from issues in life.

Famous words by Bliz that was on the loading screen of wow at one time

“you are not your legplates”

Congratulations, these scenarios are already in the game and possibly more up front than other ones.


And again that’s YOU. Real representation abounds in WoW. The NPCs named after real people. The numerous memorials for friends, family members and fans who have died. If seeing a gay character throws you out of your running around fighting dragons and monsters that kinda speaks more to you then anything else. Does an female NPC asking you to find their husband create this much trouble? No.

Mmkay. So what again is the problem with swapping out the woman asking you to find her husband with woman asking you to find her wife?


I said it’s already in the game. Read the thing I linked.

Did I even say anything was a problem?

I’ve looked at it when it’s been used in other threads. It adds nothing.

So I’ll ask again.

Ah here we go again lets just force representation down everyones throats again that’ll solve the issue for the Gays and lesbians of the world thank god we figured out how to help struggling trans and gays/lesbians.

All we needed to do was add a gay guy who talks about liking men and not those icky women.

I don’t care what any of these characters like romance or sexually i just want some fun rpg gameplay.

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You seem to have issues with separating yourself from the game.

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Dude… it’s a list of things already inside of the game that you can verify by playing it.

I did not say anything was wrong with it, therefore the question is unfounded and directing away from the point that these things, they’re ALREADY IN THE GAME.

Used to be.

Bear asses

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I do that just fine. Honestly, the only reason I play is because a friend really wants me to continue playing and paying my subscription won’t break the bank. I also encounter some rather nice people on the forums.

I know what’s in the game and would simply like more of what there’s very little of.

So as customers we aren’t allowed to ask for more?

You say tomato I say tomato. I was honestly surprised they were worth $48 billion. :open_mouth:

No Farondis! Those Bear livers will not cure you and your people. lol

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The article actually has more than fair representation in ratio to the amount of people like me that exist on earth.

I see nothing wrong, while sharing your values. There’s nothing to be added.

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You know. I never met one person who ever called an oyster an “erster” XD

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I also want you to continue to play regardless of our difference of opinion.

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/eats crow

Upon reading more, and probably relaxing some, I realize I came at you the wrong way and apologize. I am guilty of over analyzing things and missing the point a person was making.

LOL Same.

As do I. I greatly appreciate you saying that. We all look at things in differing ways and various levels of passion. I’m honestly happy to rap this up in a some what positive note. Stinks going to bed in a bad mood.

Gnight all!


I’m not part of the LGBT community, nor do I think they’re special. Thank you for the clarification though. If I heard someone who didn’t claim to be a “member of the LGBT community” say the same thing, I’d think it sounded homophobic. No bias here.

I never said I was a part of lgbt group and im not. My point was simply if you are or not it makes no difference and one isnt more special than the other. If you feel the need to be represented in an outside form of media that might say more about you as a person and needing justification for being yourself ( not referring to you specifically but people in general ). If you are a part of the lgbt group good for you and I hope your happy if not the same to you too. Nobody should need representation via media to feel verified as a person that is entirely on you and you alone

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