Please don't add forced lgbt representation

So by using your logic, withholding purposely from making a character like that to appease a demographic who does not want that to be shown is also pandering.

Do you see how many holes that argument as in it?

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I could say the same thing about religious people with that logic. Many are still attending church after being told by the government not to. A willful pastor even got arrested this week. Are they a hivemind too? Or are some people just morons no matter their affiliation?


There are no holes. That is the exact same thing I said except the opposite of what I was talking about.

WoW has plenty of diversity as it is.

Worgens, Undead, Tauren, Blood elves, humans, Draeni, Gnomes, Mechagnomes, Dwarves, void elves, Nightborn, high Mountain Tauren, Zandalari Trolls and fox people.

I see no need to expand any further.


I’d love to see an LGBT character added but I wanna see Blizz make them so flamboyant. Sorta like Liberace. Way over the top and then I’ll sit back with my popcorn and soda and watch the tears. It would be legendary.


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You’re killing me here…

You’re killing yourself. You said the same thing I said except you used the other side of the argument.

That would include tears of those whose values you share. Why would I want to be represented by something flamboyant and forced? That would irk everyone.

Your enjoyment of the character is purely through fourth wall. You are not even considering any way this contributes to the story of the game. It’s all real life to you.

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That sounds like Marcus… or maybe Johnny.

Me. :slight_smile:

And do either sides make much sense to you?

When someone genuinely enjoys something it means they enjoy it. Do you know what the writers had in mind? Maybe it was never their intention to pander. Even if it was you can’t fault a person who simply likes it. People like what they like and there’s not always a great explanation. You are putting your view on others and no one should really do that.

I don’t doubt that pandering occurs, I grew up in the 80’s and know why the likes of Transformers and GI: Joe cartoons existed. To sell lots and lots of toys. Scary part about that was they had the government backing them. Thankfully rules for advertising to children changed by the 90’s.

And many others see reason to expand. I’m pretty certain we are going to run into plenty of brand new NPCs in Shadowlands.

Pandering is bad. That was my entire statement. It doesn’t matter if you do it for the people who want it or don’t want it. Do it because that’s what you want. Not because there isn’t enough representation. But, because that is what your vision is.

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Let me tell you something about blizzard and pandering. Blizzard is not pandering to the pro-lgbt or anti-lgbt crowd in fact they are not even pandering to people in this country. They are pandering to a group of people that makes any kind of mentioned to those things illegal in their country.

So believe me when I say, they are not listening to you me or anyone else on this matter. If they add a character like that it’s not going to be forced at all.

They’ll do it because china told them to. That’s still pandering. lol

Well we have come to an agreement. In short, if they add one, they add one. If they dont, they dont. Would be nice but that’s really as far as it goes

Yes the same crowd with thousands of posts on the forums that create these threads continually.

Play on an RP server and personalize your character.

While I support the rights of all people. The game does not need to be changed to add represtation towards such things. Its a freaking video game. You play, have fun and yeah.


Honestly it sounds like he/she is and is comfortable with who they are and dont need an outside source feeling they need to pander to them for being part of the lgbt community. That just shines a forced light on something that to be honest nobody gives a hoot about. Who cares if your lgbt or not being one or the other doesn’t make you special in any way


This, but deeper. “Diverse” means everyone. There are no “non diverse” characters. I get it, though. We mean “non-standard” but that’s already problematic.

Diversity should encompass everything. NPC males whose wives are the breadwinner, NPC females whose husbands are the bread winner. Male NPCs who fight for their family to the death. Female NPCs who fight to the death for their family.

There’s lots of stuff we can talk about. Proper diversity means showing that without making it a point. A male character fighting for his husband and their adopted child is great, but if you harp on that it’s not great. Simply have him say his husbands name, and leave an NPC to find about it. That’s how most NPC’s are treated.

Don’t make it front and center, treat it like everyone else.

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