Please don't add forced lgbt representation

The complained, but didn’t blackmail. Hallmark is known to be the way they are, and if the fans of that fashion complained, they have a right.

You say LGBT has a right to criticize but fans can’t complain? Such a nice double standard.


It’s not about gatekeeping. It’s about not letting fads destroy what image we do have in the world right now. All these people advocating for LGBT rights and representation have been doing nothing but destroying what we have fought for. They are creating a world who fears us rather than a world who accepts us. And the ones who started it were the fake trans people with their fake gender pronouns trying to force their way into our community. We even have pedophiles trying to join our community.

The same way they came to the conclusion that having gay content in the game is acceptable only if they aren’t exposed to it.


Brah, adding a lgbt character to a video game is not going to do this, it really aint that deep.

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Yeah and often this makes me cringe, even as a female. I don’t want Avengers level of trying too hard to give females the spotlight.


It starts out like that. And then we get Batwoman.

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That is what we call a “Slippery slope” fallacy.

Hallmark have been trying to change their image and be more inclusive for a while.

Calling for a boycott isn’t blackmail.

You’re the one arguing that One Million Moms is somehow justified for starting this whole drama :man_shrugging:


You really aren’t doing yourself any favors when you post a link to an article that starts off by saying a group of people are celebrating their sins.


As far I’m concerned it is the opposite. Nowadays gay character have a slightly better change of not being a joke character/actually have substance. Hell, I dont think anyone is batting an eye now to gay content thanks to something like Netflix.(a good chunk of their best series have gay characters.)

I mean go ahead and complain. Personally, I am not stopping you. But really dont expect people not to give opposing views.

No one blackmail anyone. Both sides said they would not support Hallmark if their respective Demands were not met. Their actions do not fall under the legal definition of blackmail.

And I actually like it. And I think depending on who you ask there are those whole like it as well. Personally I am all for seeing a bigger breath of experience and prespectives in WoW.

Again, warcraft as a franchise started with barely any female characters. Now we are seeing plenty take a spotlight. Hell, I actually expect with the new skins being added we will see more black/asian looking characters become more prominent.


I’m not sure who that dude is but one thing I’m pretty sure of, those people that attended the gay pride parade in Brighton, UK are not all of the LGBT community in the world, therefore we’re not a hivemind. :man_shrugging: a pretty simple logic tbh.

I think you watched too much Star Trek or Sense8.

Citation, needed. Also does not mean that they have to do anything they don’t want to.

LGBT threatened to sue, cause people to get fired, etc…That’s blackmail.

"The decision quickly drew the ire of LGBTQ supporters, including well-known names like Ellen DeGeneres, William Shatner and Pete Buttigieg. And at one point, #BoycottHallmark was trending on Twitter.

LGBTQ advocacy group GLAAD called Hallmark’s initial decision to remove the ads “discriminatory” and threatened to approach other Hallmark advertisers and encourage them to pull their advertising from the channel."

Both sides did boycott, but LGBT went a bit further.

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Forget lgbt representation. Where’s the duck representation? There are no ducks in wow.


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I’m not saying all tv shows portraying gay people are bad. There are some real good ones. Brokeback Mountain was a good starting point for what we have today. Netflix does damn good giving representation. But, when you get shows like batwoman just pandering to pander or tying to make a quick buck on our identity it’s a problem.

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Again, the fact they originally aired the adds proves they DID want to air them, and see value in inclusiveness.

Theres nothing in what you quoted that implies anyone tried to get anyone fired, or threatened to sue.

You need to stop acting like the LGBTQI+ community is some evil mafia syndicate trying to extort people for protection money.


Both sides were stupid. However, Hallmark aired the ads on their own, and fans complained and boycotted. LGBT (who wasn’t supportive before) now threatened to not only boycott them, but to manipulate all advertising, and thus, in the long run, put them out of business. That’s going too far.

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"Hallmark is, and always has been, committed to diversity and inclusion – both in our workplace as well as the products and experiences we create. "

I’m not gonna try fix up the link so it shows up, but Google Hallmark Channel Inclusive and it’s the first link. It’s on their own website.

/curses loss of level 3 :angry:

What if someone honestly likes it? Is it still pandering?


I mean, that’s a huge reach from him saying that he was a singular member of that community.

It feels very likely that you overblown his opinion out of proportion in order to make up for an argument that you definitely don’t have.

It’s so weird that you have to say something like that, and you are one of the reasons I rarely ever reveal my own status as you embarrass me, trying to snag my opinion through something I was born with.

And how does that make you feel? That you are what you hate so much? That you cause people just like you to go back to low-key actions and communications?

  1. you have no idea if LGBT/people who support lgbt support hallmark.

  2. One millions moms threatened to boycott the channel as well.

  3. I have no doubt if One million moms had the same political clout they would attempt to use it to try and have companies stop advertising on Hallmark. Luckly they dont.


Well yes. Just because someone genuinely enjoys it doesn’t mean it’s not pandering anymore. Pandering becomes an issue particularly when someone is including an appeal to a certain demographic without making any effort to understand the people they’re supposedly representing. It often feels like an afterthought, something thrown in to reap the benefits of including that group (typically a minority) without doing any actual work. But, that doesn’t mean someone won’t enjoy it regardless.

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