Please don't add forced lgbt representation

I think Ol’ Marcus of the books is a trysexual…meaning he will try anything. Even a half dead cactus if nothing else is around. He misunderstood the Holy Light and thought it meant to bring to light all the Holes. He is getting his power from somewhere though :woman_shrugging:


More like the male tauren walking in on Paladin Marcus and the female Tauren. I fight started. Armor and clothing destroyed. They had a fun time. :blush:

is definitely something and I agree with what you have to say. :smiley:

:man_facepalming: that is not blackmail. If anything that is free speech forcing change.

And before you say anything, the very article you mention had “one million moms”(which isnt a millions moms but I digress) using the same avenue, complaining, to try and remove the ad in the first place.


I think it starts coming across as too much tokenism when it’s clearly just there to score “woke” points and isn’t really there to as genuine support, which is usually how it comes across from any corporation.

I’m perfectly fine with there being LGBT stuff in the game. I don’t need more or less. It doesn’t bother me IRL. It doesn’t bother me in game. I’m not part of the woke crowd. But I do usually go to the pride parade every year with an old roommate of mine who came out to support him and his husband because they are friends.

But I also don’t need ham fisted looking decisions by companies to score cheap political points either in their products when it just comes off as so fake and fraudulent.


Yeah. It’s a good story but I would consider that blizpron and not romance. Like the Night elf book in ICC.

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The adds were aired, than a conservative group complained and whined for removal of the add.

It’s totally understandable that members of the LGBTQI+ community might want to fight that via boycotts.


[quote=“Anxiety-khazgoroth, post:315, topic:482514”]
Do you actually have proof of this?

[/quote] thefederalist(dot)com/2019/12/19/for-the-lgbt-mob-lesbian-ads-on-the-hallmark-channel-are-just-the-beginning/



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LGBT or LGBTQ (Q for questioning). Anything more is just a fad.

It is their private channel, and by law has the right to air what they choose. I guess rights are only granted by double standards…

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Blackmail: the action, treated as a criminal offense, of demanding payment or another benefit from someone in return for not revealing compromising or damaging information about them.

Yeah. It is.

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That’s not blackmail and also has nothing to do with movie and movie plots. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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It is your right to air whatever you want(within reason) but at the same time you can be criticized for whatever you say. That is the whole point of free speech.

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Does LGBT own Hallmark? No. So, since when do non-charitble, non-ownership parties get to determine how owner should run their business?

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So one million moms also by your standard commited blackmail? Awesome.

But no, no western court would ever call what happened blackmail and you would be laughed out of one if you tried.


Did one million moms own Hallmark? Sounds like LGBT simply took a page out of their own playbook.


Oh, I agree. It’s a bunch of silliness and I love coming across them. This is the one that really surprised me when I first found it.

The stable master, Raven, is in our garrison stable.

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Their business. Their choice. The same way that no one has a right to antagonize LGBT to do w/e, LGBT has no right to demand a business do anything that they want.

Might wanna tell that to conservative groups :man_shrugging:
They had originally chosen the air the adds. They didn’t pull them until One Million Moms complained.

Disagree, really not a fan of gatekeeping the community.


They contributed to it, and secondly, are standing for rights. LGBT was demanding a business to do what they wanted…or else.

You support a group demanding a private business owner to do what they don’t wish?

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Again, said business wanted to air the ad first and then were told by one millions moms they should stop. Which is a decision they later reversed because of a second wave of blacklash.

How are you not getting how nonsensical this particular argument is?