Please don't add forced lgbt representation

I’m a bi guy and I don’t care about LGBT representation at all. If they make a nice character/couple that just happens to be lgbt, it’s all cool, but adding lgbt characters/couples just for the sake of adding them so they can say “woohoo look how open minded our game is!!” sucks and feels super forced, especially because these characters usually lack any depth and they exist exclusively to be “the gay character” and their personality end up being basically that, show affection to their same sex lover.

Now having said that, I’d still love to see a cute vulpera x tauren same sex couple, no matter if m/m or f/f, it would be so damn adorable.

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This is how I felt when they came out and said Soldier:76 from overwatch was gay. Tracer felt more natural because they built it up. 76 just came out of nowhere.

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It’s interesting that you’d interpret want and requests as demands.


Hot take but I imagine the people incarcerating lgbt people in second and third world countries in culmination with hate crimes are more harmful.


More of those people are Christians and Jews, but w/e…

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I don’t see how that has absolutely anything to do with what I said or the point I was making. Would you care to link the two to the conversation we were having?

Saying lgbt people are their own worst enemies because they want representation in fictional media is pretty out of touch. :thinking:


LGBT Representation is fine but they shouldn’t do it poorly as in that persons whole identity is just LGBT and doesn’t have a personality outside of it or a “by the way” that character who has been around from vanilla is suddenly LGBT, feels very cheap and disingenuous.

How they should do it is have brand new characters in SL who happen to be LGBT but there is much more character depth involved with them then just their sexuality.


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Man, these threads are so annoying and unnecessary. Blizzard knows we exist as is seen with characters in other games. If they wanna add an LGBT character in WoW they will and if not whatever.

Agreed! LGBT should always be a piece of a larger puzzle when its not the focus of the narrative as a whole. If we were talking about a story for example which centres around discrimination against LGBT individuals in a certain setting than of course, allow that to take a larger part of the story because that is the story, but here in WoW make it part of a character that is well defined and established, with goals to relate to, ambitions, flaws and everything else that makes a good character.


They don’t really do much here. When it’s done, it’s on the side. Not taking up actual plot time. More like an easter egg. There’s not a huge over-representation problem here like in other titles.

Even i am only a regional lord. This novice thinks they can just wander up and claim to be the Tsar? Who do they think they are, Patrick Stewart?

You actually see 76 staring at a photo of him and Vincent in the same comic that introduces Tracer’s GF.

We didn’t know Vincet’s significance to 76 until last year, but he’s been around for ages.


As long as the npc isn’t part of a needed, essential quest. If that happens, then you’re making others partake in the whole deal.

do you only talk to orc npc’s while we’re at it? wouldnt want you to have to partake in any form of diversity


Wouldn’t put it past Blizzard to do it again. :smirk:

must resist urge… To …make…a sandwich pun… :cold_face:

Only if I have the choice to or not.

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Yeah, they gotta have that virtue signaled. Eh, I don’t care if it’s there, just don’t make me have to do it.

I’m upset I even took you seriously.

As long as it has mayo and tomato.

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Oh well. You’ll live.