Please don't add forced lgbt representation

I am indeed about as white as you can get. Don’t tan very well either.


How did I know…?

I would never advocate for removing mythic raiding. There should be a gap between players. But, there is no reason to gate other people from participating in a normal raid with an achievement like AOTC or an arbitrary number score that tells you nothing of skill or experience.

All hail Derka Tsar of all Gays! May his reign be long and well endowed! So shall it be!


The number does tell you about experience. Skill is another matter that you can see through LOGS.
If I want to one shot every boss on normal, I will only invite people that have at minimum killed every boss on normal, which the addon tells me they have.

Now tell me this, WHY should I invite you to my mythic progression run with my guild?

I get the impression that you’re in the very early stages of coming out. I’ve been there. It’ll get better.

And if I’m incorrect and you’ve been out for a while, your attitude is harmful not only to the LGBT community, but to yourself.

I would never apply to mythic progression so this scenario would never happen.

Not gonna lie…I usually take no issue with LGBT inclusion, but I was mildly annoyed when I saw the new BL3 DLC and it’s centered around Jakobs and Hammerlock’s wedding.

I still bought the DLC, and I thought it was a nice touch when they held hands at the end of the game. Just felt like overkill for $15 to have a story about their wedding.

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Been out. And no. What’s harmful to the LGBT community is the LGBT community.


That scenario happens when my guild spends an hour waiting to fill our group. We have people that have not even killed the bosses on normal applying.

That’s the type of people YOU think should be invited to my group. Now, please tell me WHY I should invite them because YOU are speaking for them. If the addon was removed and there was no logs to see, why should I invite them?

The only LGBT I care about is: Lettuce, Guacamole, Bacon, Tomato. Oh…and mayo. I put mayo on everything.


Me after I realized what I paid for for BFA.

I never said YOU should invite them. All I said was to remove aotc because it serves no purpose. It can be easily faked and it gates people who are trying to do normal behind an achievement for no reason. Now I’m stopping this convo because this has nothing to do with the topic at hand.

I agree with the op, there needs to be drastically less representation.

Things should happen naturally.

As a lesbian, forcing “diversity” is dangerous and detrimental to society, and that goes for just about anything.

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That’s my view when it comes to the Military propaganda that movies have and constantly getting shoved down our throats.

Well, dangerous and detrimental to society is reaching realllyyyyy far.

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I’ve never seen a quote more truthful in my life.


Is it? When has forcing anything been good for anyone?

The Prohibition?


Religious values?

History has shown time and time again that forcing something on another individual has never gone well.

Edit: It’s evident that the vast amount of people who think otherwise are really just fooling themselves, if you need evidence, look no further than what you see in the media.

With that, I will no longer be replying to his poster, seeing how they can’t see passed their own nose thus fueling a pointless one sided debate.


The thing is, I don’t even think it was the fact it was a LGBT wedding. I think it’s more about BL2 DLC were like space pirates, roadwarrior, Dungeons and Dragons in space stories, not romance. I think I would’ve been annoyed if it was a straight wedding too.

I mean, I don’t think showing a gay wedding in WoW is the same as forcing slavery on a group of people.

Being gay is okay and there isn’t any harm being done to anyone. If it starts getting “forced” then it becomes no different than straight couples being “forced” in every content out there to the point that it just becomes normal and people stop having issue with it.