Please don’t remove Hunter pets

Maybe MM is the wrong spec for you.

Maybe they’re already planning on implementing the stabled pets or glyphs to change the eagle, gotta give them time.

Patronizing rudeness seethes from you constantly.


but hunter arent getting shafted. they are getting a major QOL update here.

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I play a Summoner in FFXIV and this change does not sound the same. As a Summoner after building the appropriate power I decide which Egi I want to summon and when. This change sounds more like a proc where it triggers and runs automatically.

To be honest other than the actual NPC graphics I liked the changes to Summoner. I can’t say the same about this change which feels like deja vu all over again.

gameplay > class fantasy.

the pet has to go.

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I took the eagle thing to be something that flies around passively until you “call it” to help use an ability according to the patch notes.

No it doesn’t.



That’s what it boils down to. I’m sure the new spec will have it’s positives, but I wish it wasn’t coming at the expense of the spec I currently enjoy. They really should just split it off into a new spec at this point instead of trying to wedge it into MM.


You don’t understand irony, right?

Yeah, for sure. I don’t understand irony. I’m actually really stupid and also dumb. You got me. What a goofy thing to say to someone in the year of our lord 2024 lol

How ironic!

Alanis Morissette everybody

It might be. I only saw Harrier’s Cry which reminds me of the old group behavior of Aspect of the Cheetah (but my memory is old so I might be confusing it with a different lost ability). That use to go over like a lead balloon. The remainder eagle related things, I thought, were all passives.

blizzard disagree

That is why this thread exists cause we disagree with blizzard. If you want a petless class there is plenty of classes that don’t have pets.

I’m sure we can squeeze in Bloodlust for Warriors? MM doesn’t need to be shafted cause people want to be petless. You can play a different class if you desire to be without a pet.


They’re going to kill Fifi?

I rolled a baby hunter my first character. I tamed a red cat and named it Fifi. I got my first talent point and put it in MM.

16 YEARS LATER they decide Fifi and my character in the spec I have almost exclusively played this whole time aren’t allowed to play together any more?

Why take away the summon pet button. You’re giving me all the abilities, fine. Leave summon pet. Make it largely powerless or hell, penalize me with a debuff when it’s out. I don’t care. Taking away my entire stable of pets and making it unavailable to me as MM is insane.

There will only be one ranged pet spec left for hunters, when the entire class was originated around pets. The number of new talents listed shows how deeply the pet is embedded.

Even when they killed the range in Surv they kept the pet, and that doesn’t even make sense. They’re now a bomb dropping maniac twirling through the air at people to fight in close range with a super fighting stick and somehow they keep their pet, and ours gets killed.

Don’t take away summon pet. Just don’t.


but even in this thread there’s more people agree’ing with blizzard than disagree’ing with.

the pet is a annoyance that has to go. play BM if you want to be a furry.

So MM needs to be shafted to fit your playstyle? Cause you think pets are annoying to you? Why are you even playing a hunter for?