Please don’t remove Hunter pets

Lol lmao 10/10

Because the choice doesn’t fit within the higher end gameplay, because of the META that is forced upon players who do that level of content, Doesn’t meant the choice doesn’t exist.

I’m sorry that for the past decade or however long the Meta has been to go “petless” within this spec, and that this minor talent choice in name is somehow a major one.

It shouldn’t have ever gotten that far. A Minor talent choice shouldn’t hold that much weight within a specialty.

I just presented a ton of conflicts that will happen if they do the redesign but keep the pet option, and your answer was that you don’t understand it, you just want the pet.

I also presented several possibilities of keeping pets that would require removing abilities from them, and no one commented something “I’d accept that”. The truth is, if Blizzard implemented any of them, people would be complaining all the same because now their pet Turtle isn’t as cool anymore.

I’m sorry, but that’s no way to get what you want.

if the spec is designed around the possibility of a pet being present it will never be as dialed in without one

I absolutely understand every single issue involved in the Lone wolf talent.

Multiple times in this thread, I have said abilities should be decoupled from the pet completely when using long wolf, Which should remedy a lot of pain points involved in summoning and then de-summoning a pet.

As far as DPS goes playing 5% worse is fine for many of the casual people that play this game. I don’t know how many times I have to tell you.



And I just said that DPS is not the problem. Blizzard has no problem in allowing for slightly undertuned options (like the new BM talent that strengthens a single pet rather than summoning a second one).

The problem is that pet/petless options deal with the spec’s toolkit.

It does nothing, aside from the stuff it does.

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So why is it so hard for you to accept decoupling certain pet utility spells when using Lone wolf could be a solution that benefits both sides of this issue?


I just explained the problems with double-dipping or making a pet disable several talents.

Understanding of math and gameplay mechanics…

What exactly would be double dipped??? What am I missing? Just make both spells go on cooldown or make it impossible to summon a pet completely with Lone wolf.

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Its already been explained by multiple people now…

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All right, primalmatter tell me in short form then since you seem to understand, instead of just commentating over the big people talking

I already explained everything before…

And they provided the answer to that conundrum of doulbe dipping by having the spells share a cooldown. Or not allow a pet to be summoned at all if you choose the Lone Wolf Minor talent choice.

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Lol… are you trying to take a shot at my pride?

Alright in the most basic of basic terms in the most extreme ways. Lets try spoon feeding it.

Lets say the pet did zero damage. Just to show a extreme case. It can still be used to pull packs away allowing skips in mythic plus, It can be used to taunt a tank cracker attacker, depending on the mechanics it can also be used to take a hit.

That is with a pet doing ZERO dmg just to highlight some of its utility.

That’s where “would require Blizzard to invalidade a ton of talents and passives every time the hunter summons a pet, which may also come with bugs”.

After the revamp Lone Wolf is not longer a single talent. It’s all over the spec. Summoning a pet should not invalidate a ton of talents.

You’re acting like the whole class is unplayable and bugged right now with Lone Wolf being in the game and it isn’t. Most complaints are the utility issue with summoning and de-summoning the pet.

If you don’t think there are triggers to determine when a pet is out or not, you’re mistaken. Like I said, make it impossible to summon a pet at all with Lone Wolf selected. And the biggest contention points you raise are fixed. As far as bugs, that’s on blizzard to make sure we have a good user experience.

Right now is has major scaling issues it can’t outgrow with its current design. It is why you see MM at the start of expansions then never again in most tiers.

I provided you the issues, if you don’t want to understand, fine. But don’t pretend you want discussion.