Please don’t remove Hunter pets

Are you innocent and have not been rude? Everyone’s feelings are clearly getting hot.

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I’m not the one being emotional over one specs changes.

I am the one living a healthy normal life.

Yep, keep licking boots and never asking for better.

…chicken…buk buk

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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You clearly are not intelligent enough to have a conversation. I bid thee good day and merry Christmas.

I don’t mind it at all.
I’m just saying lets not pretend like it’s High School Bullies verse the candy floss kids in here.

Looks like someone cares about pixels!! Hypocrite!

Luckily solo content is so trivial it’s designed to have a 100% completion rate.

That’s not a delusion.

Enjoy another L

I am the one asking for change.
You’re the one being all :point_right: :point_left: Pwease Blizzard just try one more time!!

You don’t have to ask for change, it’s happening in 11.1 whether we want it to or not. Are you dense?

Nope. I’m not going to stop playing a game I enjoy because you aren’t able to cope with changes.

Imo, some people are clearly trying very hard to hit buttons and trying to enrage people.

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All talk no walk…knew it

When you can’t win, bully the opposition to the point they give up trying.

Which, stating that, that case could be made against both sides.

We should both lose!

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Yeah there comes a point where you are belittled so much that you just stop trying to “be the bigger person”.

I know what was dished out to me when I did nothing to deserve it. I haven’t been able to keep track of ‘sides’ but I’m sure we’re all involved with letting our emotions or arrogance spill out.

I’ve been asking for MM changes for a long time. The state of MM didn’t suddenly come into question for me two days ago, unlike most of the suddenly avid MM players here.

If only we were all clairvoyant like you. We would have posted about this a week ago before the patch notes came out.

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I haven’t lost anything. This is a discussion forum, and we have a disagreement in opinion. I don’t know why you seem to think you won anything, when there’s nothing at stake.

I get it; you approve of this change. Fair enough.

Like I said, I will wait and see how this change works out.

Off to work; be back later to see what else has brewed up.

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