I already explained to you multiple times that no sane person is going to gimp their DPS and openly accept a utility handicap. Especially when it can cause them to be kicked from groups if they don’t follow the status quo. Obviously.
You keep ignoring that both sides can have their cake and eat it too if Blizzard actually fixed Lone Wolf. But they won’t and here we are. Eagle (and whatever glyph for a random flying creature they add in the future) is what we get now.
I hope they add a Faerie Dragon now that I think about it. My Nelf would look cool with one of those 
I’m literally addressing what you’re saying about dps.
Not everyone is an elitist, not everyone is paying that much attention to their parse scores or hitting certain goalposts when doing PvE content.
SO, pulling from that information, why do most MM hunters still not use their pet already, it’s obviously not just because of the slight Lonewolf DPS boost. As you’ve said most people aren’t elitist top 10% players.
SO, that statement alone counters your claim that MM hunters are only not using pet’s due to Lonewolf’s slight DPS boost.
HMMMM maybe it’s because MM hunter players typically don’t like the pet control system and some sense of “pet customization” clearly doesn’t make up for it, or they just don’t want to the pet when they want to play a ranger/sniper type class fantasy.
Because most people want to be invited to a mythic+ group without confrontation about their talents being wrong maybe? Or perhaps it’s what allows them to down a boss because Lone Wolf parses better right now DPS wise? There are so many individual reasons. Especially social ones I would wager.
B-b-b-but most people aren’t elite though.
Trust me bro, below a M+10 nobody is really looking at talents or is gonna blink at a MM hunter running their pet as long as they’re not pulling half the instance with it.
As long as your damage is half decent, and you’re not causing wipes/dying to easy mechanics, nobody cares.
The Lone Wolf talent was supposed to offset the amount of DPS having a pet caused, again, giving players agency over if they wanted a pet or not.
Sadly, its become the meta for that class as having the pet out is “Worse”. Even though, Pets are the iconic part of this class.
They need to rework it to make the Lone Wolf Talent be what it was set out to be, making up the difference in DPS loss a hunter would have without a pet.
Why are you allowed to make random examples and generalizations, but you press me on my anecdotes? I just have to “trust you bro” lol.
It’s common sense, most people below a certain difficulty don’t care about a lot elitist things, I’m using your own statements and logic to come to these conclusions.
For MM I’d keep it as is, use Pets for solo activity, dismiss for group.
I don’t think that’s true. I was mostly replying to the generalizations you made and engaging in good faith. But anytime I did, or used my own examples, I automatically don’t know what I’m talking about in your eyes. How about both people can have truthful statements and not everything is black and white?
When someone says “its common sense” and “99% of people”
That’s when they have long already lost.
So, you don’t think a majority of retail isn’t casual, and you don’t think people at lower difficulty content care less about meta/optimization?
I mean these are pretty conceptually accepted things that don’t even need to be debated.
Used in the way a literal statistic would; to support a literal argument.
I’m all for cosmetic customizations. I want to change the eagle into other flying pets. I’m all for allowing MM to summon pets in a cosmetic way (they are dismissed in combat)., I wish every spell had variant visuals to fit different fantasies.
But when it’s about gameplay, Blizzard needs to narrow it down in order to focus on balance. Dragonflight came out with very customizable talent trees (I was running around as a MM without Rapid Shot for fun), but the truth of the matter is that a lot of choices were bad, and every player want their play style to be buffed.
WoD, BfA, SL, DF and early TWW all had the option to go Lone Wolf or pet, but that was just a choice between damage or utility, and neither felt fully realized.
I think this revamp sounds awesome. I’ll support any request for cosmetic customization like allow pets out of combat, but I don’t think that requesting to keep the old system makes sense.
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A majority of retail is casual, but they follow the status quo regardless of skill level. Sure there are outliers that still use pets no matter what, but most people want to do “their best” and not rock the boat. This can apply to many aspects of life. If there was a true split between Lone Wolf and using pets, you’d see much more variety, but Blizzard made it so Lone Wolf is the dominant choice. That’s on them.
So do you agree or disagree then, in most group content you aren’t getting kicked as long as you out damage the healer/tank, as long as you’re not wiping the group, and as long as you’re not dying constantly.
Agree or disagree?
With this change, however, it’s doing the opposite.
For those players who didn’t “Care about the meta”, liked the MM spec but also liked having a pet so they did not spec into Lone Wolf… Are now being Forced into the “Meta” spec without the choice and given no choice to keep their beloved pets as an MM hunter.
Now their choices are: Abandon Class, Choose another spec within the Hunter class that has pets, or live with the fact their pets are gone to them in MM and they must use the Eagle until such a day that maybe, just maybe, Blizzard creates a “Glyph” or other ability to let them have their pets they’ve had for decades.
Depending on the key level, I’d agree that most people can cruise through a 4 or 5 with the pet out and do okay maybe. But anything past that I’m sure there will be issues for that player.
Okay, same is said to the MM hunters in retail PvP currently, play with the pet and suffer, or don’t play MM.
What about them?
Sadly, they play a class that relies on pets. Just like Warlocks. If I want a counterspell, I HAVE to use my Felhunter. It’s been that way since day 1.
Would it be nice if I didn’t have to do that, Sure. Am I going to advocate that the Felhunter be removed from us because I don’t want to use my felhunters abilities? Nope. Because thats, just rather stupid.
Work to help all, while keeping things. Not removing things.
I just don’t understand why the end all solution for feeling forced into using pets in PvP is to remove them entirely instead of making Lone Wolf function better. Roar of Sacrifice could be cast by the player, and even while stunned for example. Instead of erasing pets from the spec entirely.