Please don’t remove Hunter pets

Pretty amusing you couldn’t get past challenger, I guess that seals it doesn’t it?

Kinda funny since it’s the same for you, with no CE. I guess for some it takes them a while to build up gold or find guilds that will carry them to CE and AOTC?

Something you’re familiar with Kaslyia?

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Why would I try past challenger? I just wanted some of the elite pieces which I did on my pve character with like no vers lel.

Correct for now actually! I’ve only been raiding for 2 tiers at this point, not counting awakened season since that’s a meme, hasn’t taken long at all :sunglasses:

There’s a reason my rating is 1800, despite mmr matches being 2.4-2.8k depending on the char.

Yes, I’m sure. Grats on finding the off server guild for a carry this time around, I hope you get your achieve.


Because pvp is a dead game mode outside of casual bgs? Yea I know, that’s part of why I don’t dabble with it.

We both know it’s not a carry but ty for your support anyhow :heavy_heart_exclamation:

Technically, more people are interested in PvP than raids. I wonder how many people are actually interested in ‘competitive parsing’? If you were only interested in what the ‘most’ amount of players are doing, then you’d be questing, world content, delves, and definitely not RP.

It’s funny you make that argument, it makes me wonder if you even RP.

That’s yet to be proven, all the same it was funny you tried to tell someone else “They can’t talk on that topic without experience” When it’s experience you yourself lack and try to speak on.

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I’ve already done those things passively and completed the content to a degree which I don’t find tedious.

Haven’t RPed for awhile actually, I should probably get back into it soon. I like MG itself either way though, it’s a more aesthetic server than many of the mega-server’s out there.

My logs speak for themselves. I have legitimately one stinker and even then I have a good parse on the 2% wipe, just a bit of sabotage from a game freeze on the kill. And mythic is progression raiding anyways, if it was all about just killing the last boss that’d be lame. If you’d like to discuss again when queen dies, I’m always down as well friend :heart:

Most marksmans just use lonewolf anyhow. Marksman has always emphasized the player over the pet. BM is the pet spec historically.

It’s also a live service game. If i had to guess data probably shows that most MM hunters use Lone Wolf so they are reworking the spec along with adding well needed changes.

Do you, to say otherwise?

And come on, it doesn’t take someone being a pro in football to know the skills required to play are different from basketball .

You know Coachs have experience and knowledge but cant play well, right?

Only to do pve content, and in high ranking where min-max matter

but always had the pet or the option to use one.

Warlocks destro and afflic dont emphasize on demon, but they can still summon either way.

You are also wrong, since actual data show there is too few people doing M+ that dont use a pet

I mean, they tried to remove it twice, and reverted, this is a third time.


Id wager its more than just that.

Hunter pet for MM has no utility but lust. And pressing that ability is actually a dps loss for MM. Every warlock pet is unique and has specific utility

I don’t think Blizzard would be making this change if lone wolf was incredibly under utilized. Their statement legitimately suggests the opposite.

You wager, based on? since you know delves use pet, questin use pet, pvp use pet, even low ranking pve people use it cause they dont care, so?

Again, only in M+ or mythic raiding

You need to stop thinking the game revolves only around the content you do, plenty other content it does have utility, as already explained

They are making a change that is tailored for M+ content, yes, we know that, because people in M+ have the issue of summoning the pet and dismissing.

Doesn’t change that M+ are minority of the playerbase and blizzard tried to remove the pet from MM twice, and had to put it back because majority wanted it

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Because blizzard has the actual data, you and I don’t. If they are making this change it suggests the majority aren’t using the pet. If it was the opposite they wouldn’t be reworking the spec, their whole reasoning for the change is that pet is underused.

It still can only growl or do white hits in world content. Not an increase in utility in any manner.

Im not an m plus player and i want the change. It’s also a baseless claim that its just for m plus. Pet is more likely just underutilized

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Just like they had twice before.

It doesnt, since their reason for the change dont mention that, they specifically mention the change being tailored for the people who have to summon the pet to lust then dismiss it, not because is underused, nowhere in the blue post says that.

It is because it can tank for you in questing, world content and delves, in PVP is used to spin and defend flags and add mortal wounds and slows, keep enemies in combat and stop drinking and eating to regenerate mana or health.

And that i just your word, and you are an classic alt, who knows what is and what isnt truth when you speak?

If you are not a M+ player what you do then that the OPTION to have or not a pet is a problem for you?

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If a large sweeping change is made, it’s quite obvious that data suggests the majority dont use pets as marksman.

It will die in 5 seconds or you will pull threat with pet tanking, in pvp mortal wounds can be baseline and nobody should be able to guarantee 100% combat on a player anyways, thats just silly.

That’s circular logic fallacy. Data dont show/suggest that and their reason of changes was not based around something being used or under used.

It will not.

So you will just try to brush off like its not, besides being real things? you would know if you did those, if you play a hunter that is

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Sorry but i dont really care what you think is a fallacy. Blizzard has the data we dont, it obviously suggests most people use lonewolf.

Only if its on a mob that really doesn’t need tanked.

Ya, it can either be made baseline to hunter itself or it’s just a bonus. Hunters aren’t lacking in the department of movement

I know that, if you did care, you would not be using one.

We have, by example, the data of pvp ladderboards, showing people that pick lone wolf are minority in all modes.

Pet can still be an option and nothing will change for you.

oh crap snozy is tipping, he woke up and he is mad

Yet I have CE Fyrakk and have a much higher rating obtained than you do

Nothing I have said is a claim.

You’re objectively incorrect.

But it actually doesn’t. Nice try though :+1:

lol not mad at all.

Typing* btw

AEUHAUEH i knew you would bite, never change.

Glad we got that covered sweetie. Next time keep your made up debate bro rules to yourself.

Incomplete data. That’s probably a fallacy in made up debate land too no?

It can also not be and something will change for me!