Please don’t remove Hunter pets

They feel we need to prove ourselves and they don’t. Since they are in support. Because that makes sense lol.

Regardless, its happening whether they like it or not. Kicking and screaming and thinking they have moral superiority isn’t going to change anything :joy:

And any mm worth their quiver knows how end game mm plays at this point and see the friction points.

Yea tbh I am just happy you don’t have to waste time or damage trying to worry about hero. Or your pet getting lost in the woods.

Some fights are absolutely a nightmare for bm due to pathing.
I have macros for most of my abilities to make sure my pet is ALWAYS on target. Otherwise swapping and tracking is awful.

I think you are right. It won’t do anything other than drop in and throw a buff or cc and poof.
Which I’m okay with.

I am pretty sure they already mentioned customization for it is already in the works. So instant win already lol.


It interferes with someone’s ability to control others. If they don’t like something, then you are wrong for liking it. They are the arbiter of correct and incorrect.

Does that answer your question?

They did, though they couldn’t share specifics. Personally, I hope we get a Barber Shop or Stable option to select any elligible pet in our stable as our Spotter Eagle. I also hope they don’t limit it to birds.

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Im pro spider myself :wink:

Or randomizing from our stable would be amazing.

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I was under the impression it would need to be a flying pet, but, now that I think about it, if the abilities are all animated like petless Intimidation, ground pets would work just as well.

Tbh the only reason I could see it being flying type only would be class fantasy.

Like you said with an eagle spotter.

I think animations are a bigger issue.

If, for instance, the Spotter’s Mark animation has the eagle diving from the sky, or if calling the Hero/Lust makes the eagle fly in circles above for a bit, it would be really weird to allow a ground pet skin.

But if the animations are more like Intimidation’s, a ground pet would fit right in. You can justify it as the pet being stealthy, pouncing on the target, then fleeing back to the shadows.

Guess which spec would also see more play on Mythic queen if it wasn’t required to have the pet out.

Cool story bro. Can’t wait for blizzard to do something you don’t like. Then we can hear you guys complain about it. :+1:


Lol, Blizzard does lots of things lots of people dislike on a daily basis it’s just a matter of how much noise certain people want to make and in this case it’s not that big of a deal because you still have full pet access on Beastmastery and Survival and it’s not a total revamp like Survival was when it became melee or when they changed Combat Rogue to Outlaw Rogue.


They already did. I was a surv main from wrath to legion and Ive been bm since lol.

I was also a 2h frost dk until legion when they forced dw.

And a demo lock until they removed demon form.

Ive been around for countless changes, this one however makes more sense than not. And makes more happy than not.

But typical delululu, you can’t see past your own bias.


Already been done. Difference is I didn’t throw a tantrum about it.

There were multiple changes that upset me. Very few made me come to the forums, and the ones that I battled for were mostly for cosmetic things like races, customization options or transmog. I was the firestarter of the Great High Elf Revolt of BfA, lol, and I’m still proud of that huge mess, as I didn’t expect it to blow so out of proportion.

But class and systems design is a far more delicate matter. When we ask for a race skin, we aren’t really asking for dramatic changes in the game. Classes and systems are always being changed and iterated in constant evolution. Sometimes Blizzard makes really bad changes, but they usually don’t last long. And, in the long run, classes keep the things that work and throw away the things that won’t. Also, what works in a period may not work in another, as the overall evolution of the game may make some past designs obsolete or in conflict with current issues.

I’ve came to the forums many times to suggest changes. But that’s different from calling devs hacks or pretending I know more of how the systems work than them.


You obviously miss the point I am trying to make. They would use Agil instead of int.? What difference does that make though? They want a different number to be bigger. The game play would be the same.

As for its removal hardly being noticed, this would only be the case if you are in a raid or group with a tank. If you are a solo player, you WOULD NOTICE IT.

As for “reinventing the wheel”. That is what these changes are doing! MM hunters were working fine, for me, and for MANY players who despise Raids and M+. We are having something taken away for them to give YOU yet another thing.


Okay? So?

Is anybody actually arguing to REMOVE MM’s ability to keep pet utility while they have no pet out?

Keep the optional pet.
Add a way to gain pet utility when the pet isn’t out.
Keep Lone Wolf.
All of that can be combined into the Lone Wolf talent.

The only thing that should be deleted is the stupid eagle, what’s even the point of throwing that in.


Game shouldn’t be balanced around an elitist Richard minority either.

It should be balanced around people enjoying the game no matter how they play .

The only difference should be each persons skill level and playstyle.

Plus when has Blizz actually balanced anything without screwing the pooch with the monkey’s paw ?


Narcisistic delulu.
I am laughing :smiley:

Please tell me you are not serious.
Please I beg you.

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Which part of pet being optional causes balance issues are you not understanding?

Which part you do not understand, that nobody cares about your mraiding in which only 50 people participate?


Remove hunters instead

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