Please don’t remove Hunter pets

What they are doing IS fixing the spec. You just can’t see past “remove pet”.
There is a laundry list of updates beyond just that little aspect.

The fact they are making this change to begin with, they even state the usage of lone wolf in one of their posts.
Most mm hunters use lone wolf as it gives more damage. And players like more damage.
The evidence is every where, but you refuse to acknowledge any of it because it contradicts your opinion.

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Which would be fine, if they kept the pet as an option.

That’s not a source. Why blizzard makes design choices are not something players usually know. They killed old demo lock and it had nothing to do with it being unpopular.

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Most people using a specific talent or ability in endgame doesn’t mean people also want the option to use their pet taken away. Their is no evidence of that corelating.

It literally does not matter that going petless is better. No one has argued about that.

The point is not allowing the use of pets.

By your logic warlocks should also lose all demon except fel guard for demo. Especially blueberry which is only EVER used in solo play for affl/destro. If solo play is so irrelevent why does voidwalker still exist?

Voidwalker is only used in niche situations by warlocks but its still there cuz it has its uses. No reason for the ability to summon pet for MM to not be the same.

No one uses voidwalker in endgame. Blizzards backend stats would show it. But that doesn’t magically mean majority of warlocks would support the voidwalker being removed from the game.

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Given a few quirks of how the forums work, that number is actually pretty meaningless. It’s theoretically possible that all 200 are from 3 people, and the 26 against are from 26 different people.

Now the true number is probably not that, but the fact that this is both possible and easy to setup means you can’t always take a simple like counter at face value.


It’s only going to get higher on the likes in defense of the pets. I casted my like in its defense. Anyone pro pet will vote no on losing pets.


It’s also possible the 200 are from 200 people and the 26 are from 1 person. :shrug:

Either way this is going to be reversed. I just hope it happens before launch.

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MM’s been blocked from having a pet before. It was still a pretty widely played spec.

And guess what happened next. Go on. Guess.


Except it is impossible to balance, so it makes more sense to remove it outright.

They also killed surv and combat.

Things evolve over time.

One of the main reasons to play mm is to not have a pet.
There are many in this very thread that say as much and mention how irritating it is to have to use a pet just for hero.

Difference between warlocks and mm is pretty massive.
Especially demo. Demo and afflic/destro is like comparing bm to mm/surv.

It’s a pet focused class.

People don’t use voidwalker because hound gives interrupt. They however do the same damage. If you really wanted to, and didn’t care about what buffs the pets give. You can use any really.

However… afflic does better playing like mm. No pet. You actually get a buff for sacrificing your pet… almost a copy/paste of lone wolf, but better.

So unlike mm, warlock pets are actually relevant and beneficial.

Regardless. It was a bad example and comparison lol. Mm pets purely exist and tbh it makes more sense overall to remove them. For balancing and class fantasy.

They got added back, but most still used lone wolf… because it’s superior lol.

The point you keep trying to make is falling flat.

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Naw, its pretty easy to see, no matter how people trying to inflate topics they aint getting anywhere near 2.4k posts.
You missing it.

What I dont get tho,
you obviously know that people want their pets, and you still want to take them away.
Is it hatred? Toxicity?
Desire to make others unhappy?
Plain trolling?
Please share?


The spec fantasy that brings me to MM is being a sniper. I don’t want to have to rely on a pet to do anything.

I mean, they can add glyphs for the eagle. We’re just asking for them to NOT CLOSE OFF pet access. They can make whatever other changes they want.

Hundreds of other people have different opinion, now what?

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That just means there are some very passionate people on both sides of the issue. I’ve seen discussion threads make it to close to 10k replies, when basically all the arguing one side was 3 people.

It’s inflated regardless.
It’s all the same people just arguing back and forth.



And if we include all the other changes aside from removing the pet. I’m going to be seriously playing mm for the first time since legion.
Tons of solids changes happening.


Hunter isn’t a sniper. If Blizzard wanted that they would add a new class.


True, but it shows me that there passionaate people on both sides,
now if I was a developer, I would introduce spec #4, a sniper, specifically for you Caps.
No pets and lust in talents.

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Then why is the spec named “marksmanship”?

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A hunter that uses a gun to hunt?