Whats funny is my MM even has 2 loadouts without LW. A delve build and one just for the sim I ran
Nah, the fact you think im taking any Ls from you is laughable at best.
Youre doing nothing but refusing to refute points and shifting goalposts.
This is the first expansion that I have not bought. I don’t plan to either. I HATE the dragon riding crap, the skill trees, et cetera. Retail has become something other than what I enjoyed for many years. The magic is gone for me. Learning this, I’m glad I didn’t come back after dragon crap.
Ignore this guy. Next thing he will demand that anyone with no raiders in their guild disband. Some people just are control freaks and want everyone to do what THEY want. There are still RP, Social, PVP, etc guilds out there who don’t care about raids or mythic dungeons. I suspect they are in fact the minority or there would be a LOT more raid pugs listed than there is now.
Another thing that needed fixing.
I think most of us can agree that this change would be 100% better if instead of giving players the Generic Eagle the player could continue to use and/or have their existing pets.
Its so cute how mad you are that you arent even trying to refute points anymore.
More Ls for you
We won this thread.
The fact youre so delusional and clueless that you actually think you won is downright hilarious
We win again! - Arrow Roulette scene from the Grown ups movie.
Whether you or I think it matters or not is not really relevant. What matters is what BLIZZARD thinks. And from what they’ve datamined, they believe that the pet mechanic on the MM Hunter sucks dogs balls and is so pathetic that nobody uses it in the End Game Content.
That’s really the issue here. You may love pets. I like mine when I solo. Personal tank is great. But I just dont bother with it in a Dungeon. And I am in the majority. If the MAJORITY don’t bother using it then if they get rid of it altogether, the MAJORITY will be more satisfied.
Blizz are a business, they should not be making changes to placate the minority. Be they the 1% elite raiders, or the hardcore PvP’ers or even the nice casual RP’ers.
I do think the eagle is silly.
But I think that was their solution to removing pets while also trying to give mm a unique thing for hero.
Idk. Hopefully they at least make solid customization for it lol.
Its funnh to me tsll care about MM pets while never using them
Why you using my arguments, come with something original please.
I guess the question is, do they not use pets because they don’t like pets or do they not use pets because LW provides more damage than using a pet? Wouldn’t be the first time Blizzard has looked at feedback and completely whiffed on the reasoning behind the feedback.
The best hope this thread has is for Blizzard to think of a compromise on how to keep the changes but allow you to tank rares or summon your pet in non-competitive ways, and I bet most people here will keep complaining after that.
This thread is the opposite of what kind of feedback Blizzard seeks. They like to hear the issues so they themselves can think of solutions, or to get suggestions that do not clash with their intended design.
When Blizzard intended to change Survival’s Mongoose Bite early in TWW, people got to change their idea because most feedback was “Old Mongoose bite was super fun”, “the new design is a boring maintainance bug”, “I will miss the cool combo sequence with increasing damage”. Since it was such a minor change that had no effect over the rest of the revamp, Blizzard consented and reverted the change.
This is not the case here. People here are demanding to split MM into two specs, or saying the no pet gameplay should be a new class, or stomping their feet and refusing any changes, or pretending that keeping pets won’t cause conflicts with the intended design.
I won’t be surprised if Blizzard finds a way to give you pets. Maybe it comes with the MM pets disabling half of the spec kit, making it super gimped in any competitive play. Maybe it comes with the MM pet not having any family or spec abilities to avoid exploits in the new kit. Or maybe it’s not even summoning pets, but getting a way for the eagle to taunt a mob for a while so as to solve soloing hard rares.
But I bet there will be complaints anyway.
In the spirit of uniqueness, we shall take away your choice of pet and give you all the very same pet in their place!
Yes, on this I think we can all agree. That eagle is silly. They played too much Borderlands or something.
But it’s just a special effect. Frankly unless it looks way different from the Owl, it’s going to be lost in the wash. Maybe later we can customise it.
They did say they are looking for feedback on how to improve the eagle:
This next step for Marksmanship is, ideally, the first of many. We are interested in continuing to flesh out Marksmanship’s Eagle as a true pet and partner for you on your journeys with unique interactions, effects, and even appearances in the future, but we don’t have specifics to share yet. We’d love to hear your thoughts!
I don’t think there’s any ambiguity here. Seriously. People who do end game content don’t use the pet. Because 5% damage nerf is really a big deal. That’s it. If it didn’t gimp me 5%, there would be no reason not to keep the sucker out all the time.
And End Game Content is everything to Blizzard. Because that’s where the majority of their player base are. They wouldn’t bother if only a small percentage played that. They are really subpar at playtesting, balance and listening to feedback, but they are champions at making sure they stay in business.