Please don’t remove Hunter pets

It was based around pvp where disc and holy both over performed and were completely dominating the scene. They still are…but at least its less oppressive.

It’s a simple FACT. That it’s easily 3v1 in favor of not removing pets for MM Hunters.

It does.
Rp isn’t the sole focus of the game. It’s an aspect that people participate in, but not the main goal of the game.

Funny you mention lacking reading comprehension. I’m replying to your nonsense as you reply to me.
I mentioned pet pathing. You said use lone wolf. And I’ve stated several times why this is a problem.

You however, didn’t state to me about both existing at the same time, which also can’t exist currently.

So it’s one or the other.

People want to do the most damage they can, thus why the majority uses lone wolf…

If you are going to claim I can’t read, you should at least attempt to comprehend what is being said so I don’t have to keep retyping it.

Disingenuous tangent is disingenuous tangent.

Leaving in balancing problems is your solution?

I’m not talking about your make believe hypothetical. I’m talking about current gameplay.

That someone that has been bm since legion is going mm next patch thanks to the changes?

How did that solidify anything other than you have no clue what you are talking about?

“wHeN hAvE i DoNe ThAt In ThIs CoNvErSaTiOn?”
You literally jumped into the middle of a conversation then insinuated I was talking about you.

Like what even?

So we should remove kicks when a spec starts to perform well?

97k damage on a sim isnt a slight shift. If you cant understand that a loss of 5% damage to every single target isnt a big loss then you are clueless.

And you arent.

I mostly raid BM because MM is undertuned due to the balance issues of LW vrs pet

It’s not even on the ptr yet.

For all we know, it reads good and bombs and gets changed completely by next mid season patch.

I dont need you too. I asked you to name one so you could make an argument and then I could then destroy it. You wont name a class because you know that its the start of your argument being shredded.

I know, its just not valid.

Yet I mostly play BM. Clueless as usual

Its a case by case situation. Utility is factored into a classes total kit. Priests already have an absurd amount of cc. This is one of those conversations where you need an essay and a strong grasp of the game to really get into.

I for one, am glad that they are reworking to remove LW from the toolkit of the spec. Giving you more freedom of choice for other items.

I really just wish they could keep our original pets as they move MM back to being a pet spec.

That’s what I’m meaning that its up to the overall population.

It could possibly never even make it to the PTR, depending on how much behind the scenes feedback they receive from other mediums.

It could even possibly be drastically different than the version we’re reading today. Or as they’ve done in the past, it could drastically change the very day it hits live servers.

We wont know, until we know.


So you’re just a FOTM reroller. Why should we care at all about your opinion?

Right, so why play some specs? Like why play anything other than shaman, amirite?

Yeah, I get ya, it’s like Affliction Warlock being held back by the whole Grimoire thing. It has to be bottom of DPS by a large margin for that reason.

Nope. I play at a CE level so I play all 3 specs.

Because I am a better player than you and have a much better understanding of the game

SWG was the best game ever created and the developer chose to “dumb it down” and lost everything including the majority of its players because Sony chose to blindly move forward…

This is no where near that scope but the sentiment is the same… Don’t take something that has been in place since the beginning and fundamentally change it… If you want to make something new, have at it…once its out there for long enough you can tune it but changing it entirely is not ok.

What happened to SWG is still to this day one of the greatest tragedies of MMO history.

If that’s true, so what?
Why are you pretending solo questing and world content do not matter?
This game shouldn’t be run on only what raiders do. All of our gameplay matters not just elitists.

Hey, hey, you leave my baby alone. :stuck_out_tongue:

Also wahoo, we passed 2k posts!.. a while ago. >.>


You’ve already admitted that you play BM because it does more damage. So why should we care about your opinion at all if all you care about is doing big numbers?

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That would be impressive. Which guild and realm? All I got to work with is my own guild and everybody except a guy’s son raids and mythics.

I think because its such filler, mindless, pointless content that you can clear basically every single part of it with the exception of things like the wow secrets by bashing whatever the game auto assigned on your number 2 key.

It isn’t worth killing off a a specs evolution for that.

Grimoire of Sac is not comparable to Lone Wolf.
If you think it is then you’re woefully underqualified to be discussing MM changes.


Yeah don’t I know it, they cut a ton of priest CC going into DF. Was annoying as all heck. Don’t get Shining Force anymore but at least Shackle Undead is a talent in the center of our tree:)