Please don’t remove Hunter pets

The Forums are a subset of a subset of a subset of the population. You can never get a true sense of the overall impact or likeability of an item.

Heck even a small portion of players even partake in the PTR.

Yep so you dont have an excuse when I destroy your point.

I was using a random number.

Even ten people cant be balanced around based on fun

Balancing is more important

You do realize there are class discords right?

The same principle applies.

It is just a portion of the overall populace, small in comparison.

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You didn’t destroy anything.

Sure they can. But there’s a reason you’re just a forum dweller while the game designers are the ones who figure this stuff out.

They can balance things just fine. You’re just convinced they can’t because that eliminates your main complaint about allowing people to continue having their pets with MM.

And I’m not saying it’d be perfect. But I’d take imperfect and fun over perfect and boring.

That’s a fair point.

No. It doesn’t need to be balanced. It’s okay to have an inferior option.

This is a video game, we play for fun. A players subjective fun is valuable feedback.

Fine balance it around group content. But don’t take harmless choice away.

And it was explained multiple times how that can be fixed without removing the pet.

Okay? That doesn’t justify removing something.

You seem to lack reading comprehension. I’m not trying to be mean but this has been explained like 100+ times. A dozen times by just me.

No one is saying keep it exactly like it is.

What we are saying, what I am saying is move all the pet utility to the hunter, then keep lone wolf and the ability to summon pet. How does that sound?


Why does having a pet out have to do same damage as not having a pet out? And how is removing the option of using a pet a net benefit to thsoie who wanted to use a pet on equal footing as those who didn’t want to use a pet?

How will it add to it?

So by your logic we should get rid of talent trees because the game is impossible to perfectly balance. Some talents/abilities will always be better. So remove ALL player choice. Heck why not remove all classes. Except 3. Generic Healer, Generic Tank, Generic Damage. With absolutely no build varience or anything. Oh why not remove transmog too? As it is useless fluff that doesn’t impact endgame/meta at all.

Which is why they shouldn’t remove pets from one of the hunter specs.

It did. Blizzard realized they messed up. It’s exhausting how long it took them, and even more exhausting that they are attempting the same mistake right before our eyes proving they’ve learned literally nothing.

For the people who like, and use pointless fluff.


Explain how you will have a negative experience by moving all pet utility to the hunter themselves but keeping the pet as a (non-meta) option?

That just further solidified my point but okay.

You’re the one bringing up irrelevent stuff.

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Theres over 37k people ONLINE on the trueshot lodge discord right now

And there are Millions of Players. So it is a small portion of the overall massive population.

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That’s true, but it also tends to be the very vocal minority.
And if an even small amount of that vocal minority is the only ones raising a fuss, it tells me it’s not that serious.

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I know of a thousand players in a single guild and realm, that does infact, NOT do Mythic+ or Raiding.

Uhm Actually. :nerd_face: :point_up_2:

Not yet, hence why I used the word “when”

Still waiting on those classes.

Way to completely miss the point. I shouldn’t be surprised when you missed the word “when” too

But its not, If you actually had any basic understanding of how MM works you would know this.

So you also think the blueberry should be removed?

You keep bringing up balance. But Pet MM players aren’t even asking for it to be meta in this thread. Just to keep the choice.

In fact I think LW hunters should get the option to use their pets LESS.

We’ll really see how people feel about it if they decide to launch it like this and potentially millions (probably not that many tbph) hunters log in and find their pet for anywhere up to 20 years cannot be used anymore.

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I’m still wondering why someone who’s supposedly such an expert on this game needs a list of pet classes provided to them.

Nah, the only person missing the point here is you in your race to the most boring class identity possible.

More condescending non-answers from the pet-hating group content junky.


Just to point out the old adage, those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.

When SWG screwed with and screwed up Creature Handlers, it was the beginning of the end.


That same statement goes for both sides, since both are present on the forums.

This change swings in the balance of the overal population.

It might not happen immediately, it might never happen. But the more time that goes on, the more feedback they could receive asking for MM hunters to get their original pet increases.

History loves to repeat itself, and just like in Legion when MM hunters lost their original pets, 2 years later… they got them back.

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Because you cant read.

You would have to have a point for me to miss. At this point youre just throwing a tantrum and commenting things that prove you dont have a clue what youre talking about.

I dont hate pets though

That is the literal frickin point. You argue about balance this and balance that because hunters may have a small shift in performance due to a pet being there. But priests with a basic point of gameplay, a kick shows two completely unrelated thibgs. Turns out striping priest of a kick had nothing to do with balance. My goodness for how much you insult other people you have to be walked to every point.

Holy cow, you are so close.

And they are doing a great job at that. Which is why paladin makes up 85% of the tanks. I’m sure now that you can use Blood Lust as MM without summoning a pet your performance in raids is going to sky rocket.

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Dude has been in this thread for days, literally days logged just sitting in here. Hundreds of posts, and says “WHEN” I destroy your arguments.

Well, we’re waiting bud.

You’re the one who claims to be so amazing at this game, yet still needs to be spoonfed the names of pet classes. Which raises questions about your so-called expertise.

You really do not have any idea what I’ve been talking about, do you? Just no clue at all.

Every post in this thread proves that to be a lie.