People should not be able to Q for follower dungeon while in warmode/combat/pvp…
…Do we need to KEEP posting this, Blizz devs?
People should not be able to Q for follower dungeon while in warmode/combat/pvp…
…Do we need to KEEP posting this, Blizz devs?
What they need to do is add a ‘grace period’ when the follower dungeon (or any dungeon queue) pops where you must wait 10 seconds to enter the dungeon. Warmode only.
If that doesn’t solve the issue, maybe increase the time to enter to 15 seconds and put a 50% slow on the person who’s trying to get out of dodge with a queue. Again, Warmode only.
I really don’t get why some people are so enraged by this.
Maybe because it’s abusing a system to escape any real consequence in wpvp? There is nothing like a rogue harassing you endlessly and can just decide to nope out when they are about to die. Burning through your cooldowns then coming back at full health to kill you thanks to the healer in the follower dungeon.
^ i’ll translate for Velv: “I’m bad at the game and I don’t want to get better so let me phase out whenever I want.”
Unfortunately the cowardly tactic of exploiting an instant dungeon queue to avoid death has all but been endorsed by Blizzard. No official ruling, no temporary bans for abusing the system… their silence on the matter says they don’t care. It’s a shame, but at this point you have to prepare for everyone you fight to vanish the instant they fail to kill you with their burst or run out of defensives.
Why not bring back the “you can’t take a queue pop if you are in combat” but only for follower dungeons?
Blizz devs and players that abuse this.
It’s just cowardly! It’s totally fine to get smoked in PvP… The run back doesn’t take long and it makes genuine queue pops look like you can’t handle getting ganked :<
When you’re going for sparks, coins or honor it’s maximum amounts of lame to see your enemy disappear if they’re about to lose.
Let’s be real here. Nobody does run backs in this game. Nobody fights more than once. Of course the follower dungeon thing really is stupid though it needs removed
I actually do, especially if I lose to someone. I will go back to them again and again and fight. Recently, I was in a PVP zone on my DH when I got killed by a warrior. I lost 6 of the next 7 encounters with them.
They were very insulting the entire time making fun of me for dying to them. They were really laying it on thick.
In the end, I won 4 of the last 5 encounters we had, and all i said before I logged off was “One of us is getting better.”
WPvP is the best, and a really hope we get more with the 11.1 patch zone not having flying.
I love your attitude, you’re the kind of player I would never feel uncomfortable learning with never change friend.
Also as far as the OP’s argument: I was in tichondrius durotar last night and came across an alliance group attacking horde. I mainly saw alliance taking queues but obviously horde players did too that I didn’t see but to the point it’s really lame.
I talk a lot of smack on here for fun but if you take a queue that counts as a death lol… I personally don’t care if my pixels die. I died a lot to swarms of horde it only game NO FEAR!
Really sorry to disappoint but next zone is going to be a bust. The drive system is awful and you can’t dismount anyone on them. Zone is very dense and consolidated too.
That is disappointing. I mostly play my rogue now, so I will see if i can create opportunities given the increased density.
Thats extremely rare. But yes, of course, World PVP is definitely the best
I would put a mechanism in game that would instant kill the person who takes follower que to escape pvp consequences. As soon as they get into the dungeon they just die and put a 15 minute rez timer on it that applies after they leave the dungeon too. Make that rez timer go up incrementally everytime they do it. with no cap on the increase.
I will say some world pvpers have been finding consequences for taking follower ques. Some have been banned. It hasn’t happened often but it has happened.
I just wait. My cooldowns reset as fast as theirs do, and I eat up. Folks that do this zone back relatively fast, and they pop out in the same spot. I can usually get the drop on them and score a kill, maybe after an attempt if they’re fast enough to requeue. The only other option is for them to hearth/port somewhere else from the dungeon, which still feels like a moral victory to me.
People may have been banned but it was not for accepting a queue while engaged in combat of any kind. The entire playerbase would have been banned. If they banned people for taking a queue while engaged in PvP combat they would need to ban every Rogue that has used Vanish, any Paladin that has a Bubble Hearth Macro, any NE Druid for Shadowmeld Stealth/Flight Form or any player that has ever used a Deepholm Potion since Cata.
If they banned people for taking a queue while engaged in PvP combat they would need to ban every Rogue that has used Vanish, any Paladin that has a Bubble Hearth Macro, any NE Druid for Shadowmeld Stealth/Flight Form or any player that has ever used a Deepholm Potion since Cata.
lmaooooooo whatttttt
yeah he’s literally comparing legit class abilities to exploiting dungeon ques. I can’t take him seriously at all.