Please Do Not Make Prominent Alliance Characters Forsaken

Well, a council with an appointed representative is just fine, and is in fact how most democracies work; Most actually have councils inside councils inside councils within voting bodies which are htemselves just a form of council formed out of the common agreement of voters, which can itself be considered a sort of council.

This is why democracy doesn’t work and we all need to adopt a minarchist liquid thalassocracy.

Even when she was alive, Calia almost said it almost as good as Sylvanas. Lordaeron belongs to the forsaken. Nobody in the alliance has an opinion that matters on the subject.

I meant more on a practical writing standpoint.

As it sits (if we are to expect the current council to consist of ALL participants of the Horde); Gazlowe, Voss, Rokhan, Geya’rah, Mayla, Talaanji, and Kiro are ALL pretty underdeveloped as characters (and THESE are meant to be THE most developed of their respective races now, as they are PC racial leaders). Alone, developing this roster is going to take quite a bit of time and effort (let alone supporting characters for these new leaders).

I expect a COUNCIL of FORSAKEN on top of this might be asking too much.

As of right now Voss is the most likely subject to get the advancement to A List character roster for the Forsaken (with Tattersail; Belmont; and Faranell being the only remaining ones of note that could get built up to support her). The issue is, Voss doesn’t want to lead long term (nor has she earned the right to yet). She’s essentially decided that she wants to serve as a stand in until she feels she can foist that responsibility onto Calia (which I honestly don’t think is a good fit).

But … we’ll see how things progress.

Even you forget Ji, Droite.

How could you do such a thing!? :sob: Give this panda a short story or SOMETHING!

I don’t forget Ji, I just nothing Ji. I honestly think the only role the Pandarens could take at this point is serving as the 13th seat at the council (should the Forsaken actually get an AR) and serve as a tiebreaker. This is especially true since I believe that if we get another round of ARs, it will ONLY be one more round of them … and the Pandaren will not be getting one.

Such a position could result in him getting some good development. It may not.

The Blizzard MO regarding Ji Firepaw and Aysa Cloudsinger.

To this day I believe disregarding them in a faction war xpac was one of the greatest mistakes Blizz made. Exploring their relationship as their factions were hellbent on killing each other would have made for an interesting quest chain or two. Aysa could have tried to bring Ji and the Huojin over to the Alliance, citing SoO as a prime reason why, and Ji could flat out deny her, choosing the Horde (his family) over the love of his life.

But alas…

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So first, I’m not arguing for one side of the other. I think Blizzard intentionally made both the humans and Forsaken sympathetic because they wanted reasonable people on both sides to be able to invest in the fight…because faction conflict is something they consciously wanted to create.

Second–so me personally, I was born in Colorado. Colorado more than “technically” belonged to a variety of American Indian tribes before it had anything to do with “my people.” It’s 100% stolen land. Does that make it not my home? Does that mean if I were forced out by invaders, I would not be allowed to miss it, or to want to reclaim it later–even after it had been occupied by a new generation of non-invaders?

That kind of attachment to home and memory, that sense of place, culture, continuity–whether you agree with it or not, none of that’s unsympathetic or unreasonable.

That’s not even what I was saying. I said that the Alliance have reasons to want Lordaeron. They have cultural and historic connections to it. Trying to write it off as the Alliance shouldn’t want Lordaeron or have no reason to want it is silly. The Horde have no connection to Ironforge in the way that the Alliance has to Lordaeron.

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Get used to it, the only message that Blizzard sends to the Alliance these days is: “Don’t get attached to any Alliance characters we introduce, they’re only there to add to contribute to the Horde story, and yes we will only devote our short stories (Elegy) to the Horde. You’re clearly playing the wrong faction!”

Blizzard doesn’t care, and they aren’t interested in having the Forsakens’ machinations blow up in their own faces. They by far get the most love and bias from the story devs.


You do realize ALL Forsaken were Alliance, right?

There is a difference between wanting something and suggesting that you should have it. End of the Day, Lordaeron is Horde territory. For the Alliance to have it, the Horde would have to lose it. For it to be ‘fair’ the Alliance would have to lose something of equal value to the Horde. Frankly, there isn’t much the Alliance has that Horde players really have much invested reason to want so there really isn’t anything the Alliance could lose which would offer the same sense of payoff so losing something as substantial as Lordearon is to the Horde, and more specifically the Forsaken’s narrative, would be the closest thing to ‘fair’. It might not satisfy the same but at least the trade hurts as much for both sides.

I am not saying this because I want the Alliance player base to ‘suffer’. I am merely pointing out how unreasonable it is for people to claim the Alliance should have Lordaeron. I can’t see in any way the same players being ok with the reverse situation.


Lorderon belongs to the Forsaken. Period. They see themselves as Lorderonians, play the Forsaken quests in the Cataclysm content to see it for yourself.

I know it bothers some Male Human Paladins that like to RP as a Lorderonian exile, but the human player race is canonically Stormwind. Stop trying to stick it to another player race just to fantasize your wish-fulfillment.


But the city chatter added after the campaign has Stormwind city guards talking about being Lordaeron refugees.


Its just filler catering the deus vult crowd. We see high elves freaking everywhere, it doesn’t mean they are a significant population. Or playable.

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Did a hmp steal your girlfriend, or made a pass at you?


It won’t be the first time the horde steal our heroes. Sylvanas raised plenty of our Kaldorei ranger and wardens to buff her ranks. A shame really.

False. A sizable amount of human refugees took shelter in stormwind when the scourge hit.

Lordaeron belongs to Lordaerans. Half of the population undead, the other half living. Both groups insistant on who should be the true heir of the kingdom. When you throw in LF undead into the mess, things will get even more interesting.

Tensions and drama might arise within the alliance and we can get the much needed dynamic that has been gone for too long. Let’s just hope the writers won’t muck it up.

As a rule of thumb, don’t get attached to any character that was introduced in a book (this applies to both Alliance and Horde with Summermoon and the Desloate Council).

On the other hand, Sira only managed to really differentiate herself from other Wardens by being a World Quest giver in Legion (and she deserves the harshest punishments imaginable for those damned Raptor Killing WCs). :smiley:

Well, that’s kind of a given when said city’s people joins the Horde, that they would bring ownership of their own city with them.

I mean, that’s basically what they DID when they created Kalimdor in WC3.

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So what you’re telling me then is the Horde was always destined to claim Kalimdor lol? Our own little Manifest Destiny huh?