Please Do Not Make Prominent Alliance Characters Forsaken

I get the sentiment of not wanting one factoin’s characters to join yours, but that’s sort of the forskane’s whole thing. Dead humans becoming forsaken, usually from the alliance. Even Sylvanas ‘was’ alliance during WC 2. The bulk of the forsaken were alliance in life.

I think the issue with these two in particular is that they aren’t ‘forsaken.’ Derek still has his family and Calia is stil buddies with Anduin.

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To me, Lordaeron (in WoW) was humanity’s collective Lost Lenore - the symbol and summation of everything that had been good in their past, that had been pure and wonderful but was tragically taken from them; something that they would pine over and wax poetic about, always hoping to return to those halcyon days.

It was humanity’s tragic dream, because the things it represented were not things that could be restored just by taking back the city/country. But oh how they believed.

So I’m sad that there isn’t much beyond a few flavor text lines about what the Alliance is doing there after the Siege of Lordaeron. Because it’s the perfect time/place for humanity to ask “now what?” and do some much-needed soul-searching.

It’s like the Forsaken not being present for the death of Arthas. A terrible waste of a long-awaited, built-up, juicy plot point that had so much potential.


People need to stop acting like the they deserve to have the stuff the other faction has, be taken from that faction and given to theirs because ‘my faction deserves it’. Saying the Alliance should get Lordaeron is like the Horde claiming they should have Ironforge.

The hilarious part is it usually is followed up with a ‘and the horde can have whatever they want too’ as if the fact that demanding something get taken FROM the Horde isn’t a negative in the first place.


That’s not really a fair comparison. The Alliance has historic and cultural connections to Lordaeron. The organization was founded there. It’s kind of a big part of their history.


That’s a pretty good way of putting it. The whole situation is pretty sad because I don’t think there’s ever going to be proper resolution or a way to move on about it. The worst thing with humanity was in WoW they replaced Lordaeron with a less interesting Kingdom that had no real relevance in WC3. Stormwind WAS interesting during Vanilla but after that went down hill.

As for WOTLK i wish Tirion had been a Thrall-Neutral character. Representing the humans of Lordaeron while favoring the Alliance along with a proper Forsaken/Horde counterpart. Perhaps someone in the Ebon Blade.

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I’ll let whichever troll tribe lived there first know they’re getting it back.


Yes, I believe that is how it’s done.

Too late on that joke. Besides, apperently the Horde has failed on fulfilling that part.

I’ve been sort of avoiding this topic, but I guess I’ll throw my two cents into it. With the release of BOTH the Goblin and Gnome ARs there really only remains two core races (one for each side) that remain without a corresponding “Allied Buddy”. And … if I were to wager a guess the last two remaining are the SW Humans (the Kul Tirans are the GILNEAN AR) and the Forsaken.

With that in mind … lets just say that it is not off the table that there might be a pair of “DEATH” themed ARs to match the upcoming DEATH themed expansion we seem to be leading into.

It is a perfectly fair comparison. Regardless of its origin, the lands of Lordaeron belong to the Horde faction. Alliance players saying it should become Alliance are saying that something should be taken from the Horde and given to the Alliance. Therefore, logically, a ‘fair’ outcome would be for something of equal value and size to be taken from Alliance and given to the Horde.

I can guarantee that there are few areas of any worth that belong to the Alliance that you will find a consensus that all Alliance players are willing to trade off. Just look at how unhappy NE players have been about the whole Teldrassil and Darkshore thing.

If you really want to be fussy about claims in lore and ‘connection’ it is worth reminding you that most Alliance territories are built on the bones of older conquered cultures such as the Trolls.


I feel like both humans and Forsaken have strong emotional ties and political claims to Lordaeron, and the conflict that creates is kind of the point, though? I agree that players shouldn’t feel entitled to “the other side’s stuff,” but morally ambiguous territorial conflict is part of the game’s premise.

We’re supposed to butt heads over it.


On the other hand. ALL of the remaining landmasses of the World were once Kalimdor, and thus NE territories. Before them it was largely all land of the Troll Empire. Beyond even them it was all Old God turf. Strangely, current Kalimdor is just sort of the fragment of the REAL Kalimdor that the NEs (and Mt Hyjal) just sort of ended up first … but by technicality ALL of the fragmented lands of Azeroth were part of the “land of eternal starlight”.

You don’t understand the context of having a city iconic to the alliance story being given to the horde?


What city? Lordaeron? Pretty sure the Forsaken ARE the people of Lordaeron too (even if they’ve drifted from their heritage quite a bit through struggle and strife). Also, for all respects and purposes much of Northern EK is comprised of dead lands and dead kingdoms. The Light has proven time and time again REALLY effective and KILLING Undead, but not great a cleansing corruption of the Death Domain. Unless LIFE Domain wielders were to actually go up there and start cleansing the hell out of the region (like they were in WP), those regions are in many way inhospitable to human life.

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Lordaeron City has been lost to humanity and left as a mostly unkempt ruin for over a decade in game; It has never been Alliance Territory in the playable history of WoW. I do not see where anyone can gather humans have any claim over the area anymore. Sure they might claim they do but there is not much to back that up outside of ‘because I say so’.

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I’m not saying they’re not. Narratively we know there are living survivors of Lordaeron. But as players, losing the city to Arthas and having it taken by Sylvanas was the start of this running problem of losing narrative themes to the horde.

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You lost that territory PRIOR to WoW. So what? You never had it to begin with, and its not as if those lands were part of the CURRENT Alliance. Also, while I’m not fond of taking from the Alliance, if the Alliance never lost anything they would hold such an absurd amount of the territories of Azeroth the Horde experience would just be nightmarishly bad.

And don’t give me that “well, Blizz could just create NEW zones for the Horde” nonsense (which I’ve seen SOME on here argue). You know damned well that if Blizz did that there would be Alliance players SCREACHING about Horde Bias, because we’re getting fresh made, custom zones designed for us all the time (while the Alliance just gets (at best) reskins of Old Zones). Man, if only there were a Expansion Feature right now that emulates that very argument to a tee…

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The trouble is, name another forsaken character. Who’s out there? There was Sylvanas, Nathanos, Lilian, and what, like, Putress? Fifteen expansions ago or whatever, now double-dead?

If we open up to “undead” in general, you’ve got a few horde-aligned Death Knights like Nazgrim and Koltira.

But past that? You’ve got basically no prominent forsaken characters to promote. And where do new forsaken come from? Dead humans, mostly. Where do you get dead humans? By killing the Alliance, of course!

So the options are…

  1. Promote some half-remembered questgiver from Dragonblight or Silverpine or whatever
  2. Create a brand-new never-heard-of Forsaken character
  3. “Steal” an existign Alliance character
  4. No leader for the Forsaken.

Honestly? Realistically? I would go with #4 there; the Forsaken are probably one of the most internally-diverse of Horde factions, being made of humans for Lordaeron, Dalaran, and Gilneas, High Elves and now Night elves, and the occasional ghoul or abomination to round out the ranks. Forming a Republic of Lordaeron with these assorted peoples and an elected leader / council, within hte greater Horde council, might just do the trick.

…I did not know that Arthas Menethil was aligned with the Horde. Is this in the newest Christie Golden tweet or soemthign?


Well, its unlikely they are going to go with a Council since the Horde is now getting such a system (a council in a council is probably stretching). At best we could probably hope for Voss getting developed into a LONG TERM leader for the Forsaken (while Calia invalidates herself with parts of the Forsaken in some way). Then we’ll get continued development for the other C Rank Forsaken like Tattersail; Faranell; and Belmont to support Voss (Forsaken Navy; Royal Apothecary Society; and Forsaken Military respectively).

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