Please Do Not Make Prominent Alliance Characters Forsaken


Not really. It was independent before the Alliance. And it has been a defunct state for many years without a real government to speak of. And, at best, a small population remaining.

For Calia it does. She has been empathizing with the Forsakenfor a while. And the Forsaken have, at this point, seemingly formed a lot of bonds with the Horde.

Because they aren’t abandoning them. Leading a Horde faction does not equate to that.

Personally, I think racial divisions between faction should be removed entirely. Allow any race on any faction as any class. But it should either be for all or none. No need to make half measures.

I can easily name you a few of them that unfortunately, Blizzard seems to have forgotten over the years or bring them out of the moth-closet for a few minutes and then forget about them :
Master Apothecary Faranell
Master Apothecary Lydon
Deathstalker Commander Belmont
Gunther Arcanus
Bethor Iceshard
Shademaster Kiryn


Bro, I thought you wanted Calia and Faol to be Alliance though?

I didn’t say that, no. I said they’re not good choices to lead the Forsaken. I also said I didn’t want Faol, a major figure in Alliance history, to go over to the Horde. Calia could reasonably be a Forsaken figure, just not in any leadership capacity.

Furthermore, even if I did say I wanted Faol and Calia to be Alliance, that doesn’t mean I care about the kingdom of Lordaeron. Individuals are not their kingdoms. Furthermore, certain people in the Alliance seems to be under the impression that they have more of a right to Lordaeron than the Forsaken. They are incorrect - they have a right to it as well, and they’d frankly save both sides a lot of conflict and death if they just let them have it. Focus on the peoples who authentically don’t have a home, like the Gnomes, Kaldorei, or Gilneans.

Also, I really need to reiterate - the idea that Calia Menethil (a woman who has as much right to council people who have been undead for much longer than her as I do) and Alonsus Faol (a character who has been a MAJOR figure for Alliance lore and faith, who would apparently be opposed to the Alliance now) should lead the Forsaken is laughable.

Maybe they can be neutral?

They’re already neutral. Neutral is fine.