This feels like the last phase PvP can survive without any additional changes. The current rank 14 gear is “somewhat” comparable to BWL/AQ gear and the weapons with the additional resilience can hold their own. However, going further, especially into Naxx any raid gear is going to completely eclipse the PvP gear as well as anybody wanting to rank will have achieved it by then. We need something more moving forward to keep the PvP scene alive.
- A new battleground
- A new PvP event similar to STV, but please no more STV. TMvSS would be nice. Or put it in EPL and associate it with the towers. Make it so control of the towers can greatly impact your raid.
- More offset pieces or main pieces on a vendor associated with a new BG or PvP event.
- PvP specific enchants, ie increased damage to players
Pvp in SoD is already nuts, there’s no saving it
Im not talking balance, but rather just keeping it alive
Blood moon has been poppin every 3 hours it’s great and great gold selling bijus if your not playing blood moon you’re missing out!
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Fair, I just mean moving forward past this phase. I feel like we will need something new in the form of an event, bg, and/or new gear pieces close in power to AQ/Naxx level.
If PVP is about gear, rank, prestige, or anything else for you, it was dead before you ever started. You missed the entire point.
I am talking about the masses that generally PvP. You are naive to think that if you dont attach some sort of rewards to something, people arent going to do it. Also, moving forward if people that enjoy PvP more than PvE are just going to get clapped by those in Naxx gear without being able to fight back you are going to lose that group.
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Naxxramas, the floating citadel of undead magic housing an incredibly powerful lich empowered with powers by the Lich King is going to have stronger artifacts than you can buy from the town’s blacksmith. Sorry, kid. It’s an RPG.
They will probably release something after SoD, if not SoD TBC then some other version of a Classic something or other and maybe a Classic+
Ya, you tried this crap argument before in a different thread. Either come up with a different one or I am just writing you off as a troll.
And btw, the towns blacksmith makes the Naxx gear, champ.
Using what materials? Oh, right.
Sorry you are incapable of understanding the genre.
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Yup, troll.
Take care.
Go derail another thread.
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It’s literally the topic of the thread. Do you know what trolling is? Do you know what derailing a thread is?
BM is doing fine, BGs are not. Like seriously who wants to spam Q one BG only.
They need to make more BGs valid in this meta, I would rather be able to play AV than getting spawncamped by 4 different premades in AB in 4 different games.
Then there’s class balance where mages, warriors, ret paladins suffer badly whilst hunters, boomies and shamans (except enhance) do insanely well. Just nerf those classes and specs so other classes can be played without getting roflstomped the second they stare at objective or anything.
Agreed that they need to spread out the rewards on the BGs. A simple solution is to reduce the amount of honor you get from AB/WSG mark turn ins and greatly increase the amount from the concerted efforts turn in.
However, more rewards need to be introduced.
The problem with BGs is if you solo queue a large percentage of your team is going to basically be afk / not playing to win just playing to complete the grind and probably doing other stuff at the same time and not really playing.
It’s frustrating having teammates that are afk / not trying to win.
And if you joined a premade than you’re just steam rolling everyone. ABC that’s not really fun either.
Blood moon is actually competitive and fun. No one’s afk and everyone is trying their best. You can get some really awesome team fights against good players.
I dont have anything against blood moon, its just kinda overdone at this point. Something new would be refreshing and different.
im just so sick of the shaman in sod. they are just broken. i got rank 14 in classic and it was a grind for sure but in sod. as a ret pally you can blow all your cds and do like 700 damage to a shaman while they kite you around heal to full and 1 shot you with a chain lighting
PvP died P3 with the shaman dominance. Gg pray for next season
I sometimes Q up AB only to seek out 1v1s when I’m on a slow layer in Silithus. I like Blood Moon a lot but sometimes I just want to play solo listening to my spotify playlist instead of calling out targets on discord.
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