For sure bro I do by the same thing. Wsg is my fave but no one seems to queue it anymore. I’m enjoying as much bloodmoon as I can while it’s still alive. Last few we pop full world buffs and dominate haha
All they had to do was fix AV so that you had to capture towers to ulock the generals
My dude, blizzard isnt going to create SoD only BGs and stuff
Blizzard somehow ruin solo queues in SOD and I agree fix the other bgs. I can play WSG all day. AB is boring as hell and is only fun in premades, always has been always will be.
WSG you can actually turn the tide of battle and win it for ur team as a solo player. And when you go up against premades I stand off to the side and dare someone to come at me 1v1. Doesnt end well for that person. =)
pvp is in a horrendous, embarassing state and it wont change unless they drastically nerf hunter and balance druids. every hunter spell critting you for over 3.5k+ in battlegrounds while druids going 1v5 with starfall is NOT ok.
Only reason I enjoy playing my Mage lol. The queue on Horde is obviously too long and the quitters on Alliance is too many. Cross faction bg’s anyone
they are trying SS vrs TM on the anniversary classic but wont give SoD more bgs ???
God no, if anything we need mitigation.
They do need changes. Crafted set with weapons for fresh 60s. Rings, neck from honor vendor.
I really hope they treat the phase after naxx as a mini expansion.
So then people will just go back to AV spam. Either way it’s going to be one BG played the entire time - the most efficient one.
That’s why they should add the most value to the concerted efforts quest where you need token from all bg’s
There definitely needs to be new PvP rewards next phase, its gonna be weird if the only things to do next phase are raid logging Naxxramas and Scarlet Enclave.
I’d be surprised if they just let BGs basically disappear because we’re getting to the point where everyone that’s wanted to reach max rank has done so same with a lot of people getting their mounts / off-pieces in Blood Moon. I think most of the people left doing Blood Moon are doing so to make lots of gold selling Bijous which is usually between 5-10 groups.
I think the way to do it is to make certain consumes purchasable via marks of honor or Blood Moon like LIPs, FAPs, and Flasks. I also think you should be able to upgrade your R13 set in some way along with class specific PvP enchants(for example warriors would get both Weapon Chain and Crusader in one).
Also maybe a new World PvP event in Eastern Plaguelands. Isn’t there already some ghetto one there that nobody ever does? Get rid of that one and replace it with something else. Probably one that isn’t faction based like Blood Moon so you don’t have to worry about faction balance.
And even though they’ll probably never fix like the 15 different terrain exploits all the sweaty druids know, I’m really starting to miss WSG. Please bring that back and maybe cap the game time at 35 minutes or so to avoid those 1 hour+ turtle games.
PvP needed to die a long time ago, it keeps killing the balance in PvE.
does not have to, they can assign different damage values in pvp
heh PVP has been dead cause you bums cry about dmg, and people like Baconknight think theyre good at pvp cause theyre grandmarshal with ohnly 6k HKs tells me hes done alot of AFK in bgs. Mean while im farming up to 20k hks with my thunderfury on my dads yacht drinking naturdays with the boys laughing at all you bums.
STV bloodmoon has really nice rings neck back belt and bracers now. Also a 2 minute PvP trinket. And once you get all the gear you can use the coins to buy bijous and sell them on the AH. Me and some friends have been making 500g / day just doing bloodmoons.
On Friday there was 4 layers in STV.
We just need sod ranked arenas
Atleast 5v5 arena would be nice. Or rated BGs. Or an MMR system and make it so you can earn gold from the BG marks of honor and queue from anywhere in the world, that would be pretty nice.
heh, this bum in here talking on an alt character what a bum.