For the sake of Sanity can we please not include this Batching thing in TBC please and thank you.
For the sake of Sanity can we please not include this Batching thing in TBC please and thank you.
They should remove it in classic. Literally adds no value in the game by adding artificial lag.
Its not even the original client so may as well not include old tech like this for the sake of “doing it” or whatever.
Thing is, when this came out on the twitter or whatever it was on, I was excited because the private servers batching windows (yes they use batching) is very tight kinda like retail, but private servers are mostly based on a reverse engineered TBC, so that’s where they got their batching windows from. Stuff on the private server does happen like double sap, but its super rare.
Any way, batching was a nice experiment, but its just not working out, so can we eliminate it please.
Apparently everything is batched. If you vendor things and then walk away, there’s a chance it doesn’t actually vendor if you do it fast enough.
It makes everything feel terrible. Especially when you pop a LIP and still get one shot by the boss.
One thing I’d add to this discussion is seal twisting for Ret would become significantly easier to do if we still have batching, to the point where it might even be a requirement for BE and further the disparity between BE and Alliance Rets.
I don’t think we should be encouraging combat exploits, and even as a soon to be Ret, I’d like to see twisting nerfed/fixed.
Yeah it just feels super bad… I mean, I do make the most of it, but its kinda stupid that I can no kidding vanish after a hoj goes off in turn giving me the open on the paladin or target that the paladin was trying to peel. Its not just vanish that you can execute after the fact because of batching, I found that many things are doing this, even damage abilities can be used after CC is executed on you, and its not even unique to rogues, but I have been able to do the same on other class alts.
Now that I also play retail I have noticed that things feel a little better in retail but at the same time the servers in retail feel somewhat sluggish and for the the lack of better words “Jello” in terms of how they react to input. I thought at first, maybe its my client on this PC, so I fired up the laptop and tried that out, and it feels the same, its just kinda squishy and not exactly “Exact”, it lacks that crisp WoW client feeling that I really liked. Hate to say it, but WoW feels kinda disassociated like so many other games of the genera, that was one thing that WoW really did nail down compared to other games of the genera and era, because the guy that Coded the original server / client was a id software dude, of LEGENDARY status.
The new stuff, hate to say it, its just not as good and the private servers do indeed give me that solid, reliable, attached, crisp “WoW feeling”.
Maybe the devs can fire up a WoW vanilla 1.12 client or a 2.4 client and jump on the private servers and see what I am talkin about here. I am maybe a bit sensitive too it, but I also play a lot of FPS games and this is the only mmo that ever had the FPS like responsiveness, all the other mmo’s were crap in this regard and I don’t want to see WoW go down “That” road.