Please Do NOT Bring the Mage Tower Weapons Back!

So basically if it’s something that most players have due it it requiring minimal effort FOMO is ok. But if it’s something 0-1% of the playerbase has it’s ok to bring it back.

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I find it to be a more honest like of the item if one wants it outside of the time period when it was the prestigious thing to have.

They appreciate the item for what it still is so long after the popularity train moves on, not for any recognition it could give.

If anything that should be reason to leave it in, so people that come in later and genuinely like it can get it.

Early adopters had it when it was shiny new and the big IT item to have.

They had it first and they’re done playing with it, they’ve moved on to new toys…let new people use the stuff that’s sitting in the back of the mog cabinet or stuck behind a disabled breadcrumb script.


The word “literally” does not mean what you think it does. You should stop using it immediately.

People still trying to get them back after they’ve been educated about prestige.

Mage tower is back, original rewards should return too. Want your prestige? Demand they remove mage tower.

yeah definitely…

i honestly cannot even remember the last time i used my legion mage tower mog…i use the new fel bear on my druid because i think it looks way better.

havent used any of the others in ages either. Except, I do now use the windwalker fists because it actually goes perfectly with the new Monk Mage tower set.

it would be nice to see new people getting to use stuff that’s kinda going to waste now.


Not going to happen. Limited time means limited time. Blizzard made it clear they’re respecting that.

Sorry but you don’t make decisions for blizzard…

Think of it this way:

It would be in the best financial interests of blizzard to reinstate the mage tower weapon rewards…

Think of all the people that would re-sub in order to get them. That’s a lot of money for zero effort and time.

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how do you know that? i personally think FOMO andies are in the minority of the playerbase tbh.

I think blizzard would face heavy backlash with a decision like that…challenge wouldn’t be the same, not even close :100:

“FOMO andies” aren’t the only people who would want to get the mage tower weapons…

If blizzard made an announcement that the mage tower rewards are coming back, lots of people would be interested…not just the “FOMO andies.”

Also, I believe that the “Prestige Andies” are a vocal minority too…

I have all the mage tower weapons I want, i really don’t care if they bring it back or not…but i think it would be great for new players to have something extra to do.


yeah because the people that weren’t skilled enough to get those rewards when they were current will be able to do so, now that the content has been solved and min/maxed to death

and tbh i don’t care if you have the mage tower weapons or not, who asked?

i boosted a windwalker monk (that I had never played before in my life, btw) two days before the mage tower was removed so i could get the fist weapons… I easily cleared it no problems…This monk had no antorus tier…just the baseline greens u get for boosting

it wasn’t hard… there was no prestige attached to that achievement.

that’s a nice opinion to have. i guess lol

lots of people couldn’t do it though :100:

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No it doesn’t. Being upset that someone got the same thing as you years later in an easier fashion is just weird. It’s like if you got upset because people run old raids for transmog. It’s a lot easier to run old raids and get the same looking gear… and you know it makes no sense to complain about it.


that’s not true at all lol… if you were able to log in during legion, you were able to get the mage tower weapons.

I did the holy paladin challenge wearing full ret gear with a holy artifact that had never been levelled up whatsoever, with no relics in it…same for the prot paladin challenge.

and i had never played prot before in my life… hadnt healed on my paladin or any other class since i did MOP cmodes.

I didn’t read a single reply to this post, however, I want to leave this idea here. For 1 month on the 20th or 25th anniversary I think Blizzard should bring back all the discontinued items from every expansion maybe one expansion every year leading up to the 25th anniversary, worst case scenario Blizzard can say we gave you a 2nd chance. Realistically this would give people who started late a chance to get them while also protecting their rarity. I do like that they added an armor set with a different coloration for mage tower however, nothing says rare like investing 20-25 years of time to get something xD. Yikes. I get there should be elusive items, but there is a median where everyone can get what they want.


That’ll still ruin the prestige. Limited time means limited time.

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imposter humanbeak! do you even have the ram?!? :nerd_face:

yeah i agree with this 100%…

You might as well complain about people running old mythic raids for mythic transmog gear. Mage Tower was NOT harder than mythic raids.

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