Lol, “winning” an argument on the GD forums. You guys are… funny…no, not the word I’m looking for.
The thing that virtually nobody wants to admit lol
Please Blizzard bring back everything that is currently unobtainable because what other people have has no effect on me whatsoever because my worth as a human being isn’t determined by the 1s and 0s I have in a video game.
your missing the whole point. im not saying my time is worth more cause i did it before him. im saying my input matters more than him because i have all and he hasnt said he does so i assume he has none. people talking about stuff they dont have shouldnt have the same value as people who have it or have all of them. this hole topic he made is nothing more than i have this and you dont so im more special than you and i dont want you to have it because i dont feel special anymore. your making the same arguement as me
Boof it.
I am bad at metabolizing my anxiety disorder. 230-250 mage tower healer attempts and drove myself sick and puking because of it. Finally got it at the end.
I hope they bring it back and give it to every last level 1 player just for logging in the game. If for no other reason because the reaction would be funny.
Edit: make it worth 5 copper. Have it be so plentiful and abundant it cloggs the Stormwind canals with mage tower artifacts from people who are trying desperately just to get rid of them to clear some bag space.
was your healing attempts super buggy? those took me the longest to do since it had more bugs than a roach infestation
It was something. It’s hard to gauge whether the encounter was bugged or not because I have had exactly zero prior experience to what a healer actually does. Never played a healer before that.
And I will probably never play healer again lol
ahhh yea ok. i had encounters where mobs that needed to be healed wouldnt get healed or mobs/mechanics going through the floor/being under the floor. invisible walls you couldnt pass. not getting credit when it finished either. i had to complete the monk 1 3 times to finally get the skin because it was the most buggy for me
Imagine wiping on the final stage when boss has less than 1% HP.
yep, that was me on one of those 250 ish runs
i think i did that for 1 of them. i know i did that for a tank. was to busy laughing though to be mad
It was fun, I’ve had my prestige. And I did enjoy my prestige. now i feel like I can pass it on and let everyone else have a go at it if I could help it. My glory days are long behind me now, i just have the memories.
I think we both are missing the points we’re making, I don’t think one opinion matters more than others. My opinion is just as valid as yours. Our arguments should be the determining factor in how well a discussion on any topic progresses.
For clarity I have none of the weapon appearances as my main had ones I didn’t want to get, in the future I may change my mind and want to try another class and as long as the mage tower is relevant I want the original rewards to go with it, not a 5 minute photshop job on an old armor set that is a token reward. I invest the time to run it I want the original rewards that went with it.
(This isn’t aimed at you, just the people who want to keep it for themselves) How would you feel if you saw a really cool looking appearance on a class that you play, get really excited and want it to look just as cool as the person who inspired you so you can pass it on, only to find out that you’re SoL as you can’t get it anymore, even though the same bit of content they ran is still there you just can’t get it anymore because you didn’t play the game at the right time. That’s not the way to keep players, it’s the way you chip away at the motivation to continue to play.
If the mage tower is still relevant then the original rewards need to be as well. Don’t like that? Then mage tower has to go, you can’t have one without the other.
Bring back Mage Tower does not matter anyways I got them on EU server and I care less if they bring it back.
So you won’t mind never getting the skins then.
Good to know, Status Quo wins again.
I’ve never seen Raiimir ever lose an “e-fight”. “Debate”, maybe if what others said made sense to me. But he won’t ever lose an “e-fight”. I’ve never seen him lose once over the forums, he just goes 1v20 and keeps going like a madman. Its better to shut up and ignore it if you disagree with him than talk with him about it because you’ll never convince him lol
Then you’re a chad. Some people are cool with others having pixels like them because their prestige is not centered around the game. Sadly, the reason why OP and 18 others out of all the people posting here feel this way is because either their prestige has been devoted to Wow. Its a main chapter in their life, not a side chapter. Maybe some of them are just selfish. Or they’re trolling, pick your poison.
Frankly speaking though? I doubt that Blizzard will ever bring the original stuff back. If they were going to, it’d have been released with the current Mage Tower. And there’s no way they are going to make new content to award people with the original stuff or variations etc. because they just won’t be pooling in the resources for it nor are they creative enough imo to figure out a different method of doing it to make everyone satisfied.
Its one way or the other to me, tbh.
If Blizzard brings back Mage Tower weapons, then bring back MoP/WoD CM transmogs and everything that has been removed like the ZG mounts etc.
Or, just don’t bring back anything.
Because making one exception is like opening a can of worms.
If they don’t bring them back then they shouldn’t have made them account-wide, not locked to a specific spec, and transmoggable. If I knew they were going to do that I would have got them on all classes and all specs. But since they could not be transmogged and were locked to a specific spec, I only got them for every spec on my main.
Undefeated Heavy Weight Champion of the World of pointless Opinion Slingling.
makes sense why you have never seen him lose a argument. dude doesnt know how to read and cherry picks words and sentences to fit his narrative. i forgot the most important rule of the internet. dont argue with stupid people because they dont know there stupid
i know man for some people this is all they have so they need something to feel good about their life because outside of this game its a question why they still wake up in the morning. i wont rule them doing this out solely because for blizzard its $$>everything. if they hit a point where the cashflow is that bad i wouldnt put it past them to get some quick money in the hopes to keep people playing
This entire conversation is pointless. We’re not discussing facts. And Blizzard slammed the hammer down long ago.
Status Quo lives to fight another day. And another day. And another …