Please Do NOT Bring the Mage Tower Weapons Back!

What does that have to do with it? Is his opinion invalid if he’s not 36/36? If so, everybody who’s not 36/36 doesn’t get to weigh in on this.

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im curious if he even has 1. but since this is about the mage tower skins specificly as its his post if he doesnt have all 36 skins than his opinion is worth less than someone who does have all of them


Fomo needs to freaking die!!!

And the way blizzard is trecking with drops…it might just be headed that way.

If i could, id down vote your post.

Prestige is nice with feats of strength and titles. Weapon skins is not one of them.

I want my ghost of the pridemother skin for my feral druid. Fomo got it removed.

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No his opinion isn’t worth less, it has the same weight as one who is 36/36. If you want to play that game then 36/36 opinion has no weight due to the fact it doesn’t apply to them anymore.

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just get over it they ain’t coming back why don’t you just ask blizz for better weapon mogs in current stuff half the gear nowadays laughable with how bland it is.

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If he had 0 I could see that, but authority isn’t proportionally related to the number of towers he did. If he did it at all, his opinion is valid.

Who cares? If someone has 0 and doesn’t want the weapons to come back, why would their opinion be worthless? Some people wear big boy pants and can get over “missing out” on something from an online game that nobody owns anyways.

You’re just mad because I called it.

You want old stuff you missed on, that’s why you’re pushing for this hard.

You still won’t get it.

FOMO dies the second you stop being afraid of not owning some pixels.


Ding ding ding

if were talking about the mage tower specifically then yes 36/36 carry’s more weight because they took the time to get all of the skins.

im not mad and you didnt call anything other than show us that you cant read. the fact that people like you can have the same say as the rest of us is truly terrifying. your reading comprehension is worse than a 10yr old.

some people wear our big boy pants because we already have all 36 and didnt miss out but would rather have people who missed out have the chance to get them to.


They can get over it and not advocate for ruining prestige. Thats the entire point OP makes.

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there is no prestige. if anything theres a achievement to say look i got it when its current but past the achievement its just a weapon skin. you people are acting like this is a store item that is now going to be put in game for free after spending money

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Someone still needs to get over their fear of missing out on some digital pixels that’ll vanish when Blizzard closes the servers.

Don’t even joke about stuff like that

dude im done. talking to you is a bigger waste of time than watching paint dry. atleast the drying paint has a chance to show it isnt unable to read unlike you. god i hope your sterile and unable to reproduce

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Thank god, what took you so long ?

This entire thing was done ages ago. Status quo won.

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I’m gonna share a video of Antarctica ASMR because y’all need to chill

If someone is willing to invest time into running the mage tower to get the appearances then their opinion is just as valid as someone who has invested the time during legion to get the appearances.

I don’t believe its fair to say my time matters more than yours because I did it earlier, so therefore you can’t ask to have the rewards returned for doing the exact thing I did only later.

Removing content is detrimental to anyone that comes in later, why limit what a person can get because they started later? Especially if the method for getting them is still relevant and being updated.

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It isn’t crushing a damn thing because it would be scaled.
Hell it’ll be harder because, don’t lie, most of you got your weapons when you outgeared it.

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