Please Do NOT Bring the Mage Tower Weapons Back!

Then you better be there next time there’s a time limited skin.

I’ve been listening to this exact argument since the tower came down at the end of Legion. Go ahead, hold your breath.

I don’t think it will come back.

But I must say I am impressed that people appear viscerally disgusted over the fact that “I” wouldn’t mind if they were brought back.

Whether they do or dont literally won’t affect me, but ““I”” have no problem with druids getting some more disco cats.

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People who didn’t want Classic said the exact same thing.

Classic players did hold their breath…and still got it.

…only time.

I have a large portion of the mage tower weapons.

They are not prestigious.

The game would be far better served by less fomo, less gatekeeping, more content being perpetually relevant, and more goals for people to aim at on the basis of their rewards, rather than those rewards being made artificially scarce.


Yes, it was easy towards the end. If you did it early on when it was first released then yes, hats off to you for doing it at the difficulty it was intended to have. Especially if you did any of the specs that particularly had a difficult time in the tower because the balancing was… not great, and some classes were much better suited to the fight than others (like iirc bear druid had all the tools to make Kruul simple while prot pally needed multiple balance passes to have a half decent chance)

But later on, yeah, even just simple catch up gear was enough to outgear the tower, and if you got a bit of raid gear or got lucky on titanforging, not to mention if you grinded a little to buy a good legendary, or even just bought a couple of those random legendary tokens and sent them from your main… yeah, a lot of mechanics were easily trivialized by the end.

I’ll give you one thing about the healer challenge though. No amount of gear fixed the idiocy of the NPCs you had to heal.

Classic was never advertised as a timed exclusive. Go ahead and compare apples to oranges, and hold your breath. I’ll be laughing at you the entire time.

Keep laughing.
They’ll cave.

You’ll get them eventually.

With Legion Classic.

I like how these types of threads are actually more common than threads with people asking for things to come back.

are people that insecure about their “achievements”?


Kinda funny how willing people are to broadcast that they never learned how to share back in kindergarten.

C’mon that’s a rudimentary skill, how are you lacking it still at this age?


You’re demonstrating my point to a T.

Continuing to prove my point…

Allow me to educate you:

To qualify as FOMO, something (an event or item being sold) has to meet the following criteria:

  1. It has to be marketed as limited in availability and other consumers will experience it in their stead
  2. A consumer has to feel compelled to act now or miss it all together (and this is where everyone shuts their brain off)
  3. The event or item in question causes the consumer to act on impulse or against their best judgement to mitigate 1 and 2.

Impulse in this context is defined as “a sudden wish or urge that prompts an unpremeditated act or feeling; an abrupt inclination.”

I would argue the tower didn’t satisfy the second half of 1. Given that the tower was available for over a year and marketed before that, it doesn’t satisfy the 3rd element at all.

Go back to clown school, shew.


I guess my issue is not solely directed at the mage tower specifically, but rather an overall trend in timed exclusivity that, in aggregate, can tend towards a predatory implementation on the player. I suppose it’s my fault for not clarifying.

Why the attitude? There’s zero reason to be rude.

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except for the wod cm stuff i had no interest in and some pvp stuff i was there for it all. your missing my whole point which is i got it and i couldnt care less if they make it so people who missed out can get it again but i know this scares you because you cant feel special without having something other people dont have. some of us are just better than others without needing stuff to show for it while some of us do its not your fault


And now we know what you want out of this.

GG, called it.

You know what most people also learned when they were children?

Sometimes you just don’t get the things that you’re after.

It’s not Sunday. They already said they’re not returning.

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The things I’m after? You mean me wanting to share what I have with other people?

Kinda sad if that’s what yall want. I ain’t about that life tho.

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Could not have said it better myself. I don’t think it’s productive to waste time being hung up on the semantics of whether or not a reward structure feels fomo-ish to another player or not.

It reminds me of the repitoire of troll threads we get on a daily basis. It’s as obnoxious as is boring.

to dismiss the entire basis because it only partially fulfills the criteria you describe. based on your interpretation which varries from person to person.

The specific time frame is not relevant. Players are either subbed for the entirety of the 2 year expansion, or they play it in bursts. So the player psychology isn’t even going to be consistent from person to person so this argument kind of falls flat.

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Idk man. I did 5 or 6 mage tower challenges. The Blood Dk and Feral druid were pretty challenging!