Please do not allow flying in the new zones

Dear Gnomest, I think you missed out on your morning coffee with 2 spoons of Fel.

There is no point continuing on with this troll. It is clear all he does is troll at a Pro Fail Level

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You admit to ganking and camping lowbies but have the nerve to call others a coward?:unamused:


No! Please let us fly everywhere at all times. So tired of wasting time running around. I want to see somewhere I will see it on my own time thank you!

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lol. this is just one of the threads i have open right now. i’m not taking anything more from this than helping me procrastinate leveling my priest. lol.

I still got a DK on Moon Guard that I think I should level up. Problem is, it is a Gnome and it seems to be more at home in Goldshire Inn than it is out anywhere in the open world.

Then just don’t fly simple I know. :wolf::zap:

gnome dk seems cool though. :slight_smile: i’d level it in downtime between other things.

For the good of the war effort. They killed women and children.

Well, I got 2 Gnome DK’s total on my account.
Sarabloods which is on MG and Gnomearmy which is on Whisperwind. I dunno why, but for some reason, I am more into DK’s being Gnomes on Alliance than any other race. Actually, apart from my Warlocks, most of my Alliance toons are Gnomes.

Dude, your trolling is making me ashamed to have Alliance toons.

Please do not assume my gender.

gnomes are very nice. :slight_smile: what race are your warlocks then if not gnomes?

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On a scale of 1-Wrong. You’re wrong/wrong.

Kurt here.

And that is your main? My god, no wonder you can only kill lowbies, a Monk can still 1 punch you through the roof.

The op does not have the “net-o matic?”

Oh… and I am guessing he is going for second place on “hidden posts?”

Oh, I’m sorry, we have to be max level to enjoy the game and have an opinion?

imo it doesn’t matter that you’re not max level. you’ll probably also be shanked by a 120 from time to time as well. :stuck_out_tongue:

Happens all the time, you don’t hear me making it out like the world is ending like these other people are.

Camping low levels is not an opinion.

Yep, going to be in the process of transfering my pally to do it. And my Pally is only 116.

Wanting flying gone is an opinion.