Please do not allow flying in the new zones

Part 2 will still require rep and achievement grinds. Plus timegates.

The average player is not in wm 24/7 so it doesn’t matter. And players literally get an item with infinite uses and range to dismount someone.

Flying won’t hurt the gankers and griefers at all. As a nelf your outnumbered in wm anyhow mate.

WOD tried to kill flying outright. Players hung blizzard for it. Flying will never be removed outright.

Except he comes in here with pseudo-RP nonsense to complain about Flying because it reduces his potential to grief. He’s not role playing on his RP character either, he’s trolling on a throw away that couldn’t be traced until I called him out for it.

Dude, it isn’t “not wanting flying” that has made you the troll, it is how you opened up your own thread that has made you the troll.

This is my main posting character, has been since Vanilla. I’m not about to change that just to appease you.

Don’t want flying, don’t fly. You don’t get to control how other people play the game no matter what you might believe.

Or I can ask for flying to not be allowed in new zones like Timeless Isle. Or for it to not be allowed in WPvP.

Oh wait, that is this thread…

You’re asking for flying not to be enabled in a zone where flying has never been enabled? What kind of question is that?

I am saying it shouldn’t be enabled, like they did with timeless isle. You can have your old zones, but current content shouldn’t have flying.

Good luck with that. Based on the history of flying in WoW I’d say the chance of Blizzard taking away flight just so you can have an easier time ganking people is pretty slim.

As some videos i was listening to said the new zones are designed with flying in mind.

And flying doesn’t hurt your precious pvp. You throw the netomatic at the person and they fall to thier deaths its that simple.

But really players have little reason to stay flagged on average to begin with.

And timeless isles was awful. Most people went in got thier bonus rolls asap and left.

you could just not open the thread, title usually gives it away. But that would involve some self-control

Well,it’s possible it is one of the numerous policies that Blizzard has removed because it’s easier to remove the rule than to enforce it. At one time it was against policy to name a character using the name of a celebrity or brand


If this is yet another of those policies dropped to avoid arguing with spoiled children then I retract that part of the statement. Carry on. :grin: