Please do not allow flying in the new zones

I would love full level scaling. Let that level 10 horde try and fight back. Will make killing him even more satisfying.

I’m sure false reports will do wonders for him.

you’d still have an advantage because of your extra skills/defensives etc but it would be better than it is now.

I’m pretty sure calling someone a loser and stupid is definitely against the terms, and hardly a false report.

This thread is entirely about ganking, OP made that crystal clear by whining about how flying allows people to escape him and then he went on to openly advocate ganking and harassing lowbies until they log out. This thread isn’t just objectionable, it’s against the ToS.

Harassing other players until they log out is not what War Mode is for and is an abuse of game systems.

Wrong. Time and time again blizzard has said PvP including ganking and camping is not against the terms. PvP problems have PvP solutions. Another common misconception you PvEers have.

Maybe the devs could consider making anyone in war mode grounded. PvP talents can be turned off and on so why not flying?

There is an item you can use to knock people out of the sky.

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You, Sir, are a fake and a fraud. You do not exist. You hide behind lvl 60 that has been name changed and can’t be viewed. The Tree hasn’t even burned for you.

You disgrace the Alliance.

Kurt Loder is his one true name. I can log in game and prove it.

There is only one Kurt.

Well if that’s the case that one wouldn’t be a false report.

Your overall tone in this topic is antagonistic. It would seem that you made this topic to provoke rather than discuss.

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He’s not an RPer, his server isn’t Emerald Dream, it’s Azgalor, or at least that where his profile is supposed to be. He’s not Role Playing, he’s just trolling for lulz.

that’s a weird thing to lie about. lol.

Not if it’s for accomplishing 1 thing. Attention. This being the 137th post shows he’s achieved his goal, as disgusting as it is.

You asked what server my main was on, not what this character is on, which is sort of obvious? It’s emerald dream like I said. That person is just grasping.

The OP was trolly enough (partly due to the violation of the naming policy) but ALL credibility was lost with:

I guess some people just stop maturing at 8.

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Kurt here. Be more wrong. Thanks.

Flying will be enabled in the new zones. Did you know you do not have fly in them?

Please show me where which part of the naming policy I’ve violated. You’re also wrong. You aren’t the first person to be wrong with that too.

This character is not on an rp realm.

i didn’t say you were lying. i just said that would be a weird thing to lie about. lol. which it would be. honestly once you said ED i have not been after you about anything. it’s like me on MG there’s certain things that for me i do because of my character that someone on illidan or whatever would’t do. you know?