Please do not allow flying in the new zones

I consent to fair combat, not being ganked by max level losers who get their jollies swooping in and one-shotting lowbies. Losers who corpse camp and harass other players should be sent to their own cheater’s sandbox shard or just get permabanned until they grow up.

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do you camp lowbies until they log off? that’s specifically what most of us are responding to.

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No, but I also see nothing in this thread indicating that the OP meant to camp lowbies.

EDIT: Wait a minute I just checked the thread. Nvm.

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You consent to any and all types of PvP when you turn warmode on. You are warned that from the beginning. Sounds like you shouldn’t be using warmode.

If you don’t like the rules of warmode, voice your concerns like I am doing here about flying. Blizzard needs people to speak up about their concerns, even if we disagree.

I’ve also reported you for your personal attacks.

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i do wpvp too but i don’t go to the barrens and camp level 15 players until they rage log. that, to me, is more griefing than it is pvp.


Idun is answering. I know exactly what she is going to say.

No. Try again

“How about ‘No’, Scott. Okay?” - Doctor Evil

I hope in 8.2 everyone flies right by you and NEVER engages with you in any capacity.

Take flying out of WM and people will be begging to have it turned on within a week.

that’s the thing though. these people don’t want no flying in WM. they want NO ONE to fly so that in WM they can grief. lol.

You’re a sad sad little elf with a big chip on your shoulder, aren’t you.

be careful with him. he’s reporting legit anyone who disagrees with him. you don’t want a forum vacation because of this thread.

However ya know something occurred to me. One of the whole reasons scaling was introduced was to try hav promote more fair battles that were more skilled based. However the thing about this is that a lot of people camplained and wanted gear to have power again. Personally I think it was great when people were at within a relatively fair fighting ground.

I’m only reporting people who break the terms and personally attack. I’ve only reported two people in this thread. Both attacked me instead of the point.

if a level 30 could faceroll a level 120 because of scaling no one would be complaining. there’s a certain type of person that intentionally likes to ruin others fun. people are speaking against that. if that was NOT possible no one would say a word. then it would be “pvp happened” if they came to the forums after losing.

just fyi if either of them hit report on the comments you made about reporting them you would get a vacation as well. you’re not supposed to tell people you’ve flagged them.

I really think people need to stop using the flagging system for every little situation they feel slightly offended by. Its not seemly to be threatening to report people. That makes you look bad. However it also wasn’t good of people to be reporting this thread because it is an anti flying pro ganking thread.

Ganking: Not against the rules; Morally questionable perhaps, but this is a debate for another time.

Being against flying: Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

But witch hunting, shaming, insulting, threats. Yea. Lets all try to get along.

if a level 30 could faceroll a level 120 because of scaling no one would be complaining. there’s a certain type of person that intentionally likes to ruin others fun. people are speaking against that. if that was NOT possible no one would say a word. then it would be “pvp happened” if they came to the forums after losing.

I legitimately wish there was still scaling so there was no excuses.

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Hey, Sunday was two days ago, my guy.

I think a better translation would be: trololol