Please do not allow flying in the new zones

Just because they aren’t directly involved doesn’t remove their culpability.

is your main on an rp server?

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This fact that this is flagged so much is ridiculous. This thread isn’t trolling. Second anti flying thread I’ve seen flagged into oblivion because people disagree. I am telling you right now. If this thread was arguing for flying even with the same wording, it wouldn’t be flagged. People need to stop abusing the flagging system to bully people they disagree with.

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bullying? what do you think he’s doing to those lowbies? 0.o

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Sorry man it’s in there, suck it up buttercup

Learn the difference between bullying and consciously engaging in a world with danger at every turn.

I agree with OP

Flying is bad for the game and should be removed retroactively from all content that doesn’t explicitly require flying, such as shadowmoon valley.


Which isn’t some precedent for anything. So your argument still fails.

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Emerald Dream

rppvp. i get it then. i’ll quit coming after you. if you were on a regular server though the rp wouldn’t make sense. lol.

I’ll split the difference with you. Flight in new zones for non Warmode…and grounded for Warmode. This is a “compromise” that all will be happy with.

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people would just say they’re “forced” to turn WM off for the convenience of flight. people don’t always understand the concept of a trade off if it doesn’t support what they want.

Listen OP. I understand you feel about flying. Don’t let these naysayers make you feel bad about how you feel on the matter. Personally I feel that flying should have never been in the game to begin with or with some much more major limitations. However here is a few things to keep in mind:

  1. It is probably going to be a while before people unlock flying. Like I bet you it will be maybe at least a month or 2.

  2. Mechagon appears to be an indoor zone. Perhaps there will be less room for flying. Easier to hit people with net - o - magics.

  3. There is going to be plenty of pvp. I often do fighting in legion areas with flying open all the time. I don’t have flying in that zone and I manage to find fights plenty of the time.

Hopefully this helps at least a bit.

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flying has been in the game since tbc. do you realize that’s… 12ish years now?

This forum needs an option to hide threads. I’m tired of people wanting to ruin my play experience even more because some aspect of the game prevents them from being an unmitigated bully to everyone. Go play one of those free-for-all survival games where people are encouraged to be horrible toward other players if you want this crap.

News flash, this game is about more than World PvP and bullying other players until they log off might actually get you suspended.


And you wonder why people turn off war mode…


I have an idea. How about you post on your main and voila! More PVP! Coward.

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PvP is not bullying. They elect to turn war mode on. They consent to this. If they didn’t they would have turned it off.

i haven’t flagged anything in this thread personally but flagging someone for trolling, when they’re trolling, is also not bullying though.

Attacking people in warmode is not being a horrible person. This is a common myth often spread by people who don’t like it. World PvP is a system of that game that people can enjoy like any other. One thing to realize is that dying can be fun. Death in this game is merely a corpse walk. It is not always frustration and pain.

News flash, this game is about more than World PvP and bullying other players until they log off might actually get you suspended.

Not bullying. And I can guarantee you that 99.9% of that time if you repeatedly attack someone over and over and over again one of the following things will happen:

  1. Other players will join in and try to stop you. Especially if you incur a bounty.
  2. You will find a way to successfully get away from the perpetrator.
  3. The person will move onto something else.
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