Please do not allow flying in the new zones

Player versus player. Literally in the name.

Plain and simple, this is dumb for those with Warmode off.

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And yet flying in PvP has been a thing since BC, only now you have a net to get people down… :thinking:

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yes but you at 120 vs someone in their 20s-30s is literally more like player vs critter than anything that resembles real pvp.


I’ve complained about it since BC and was excited when the had taken it out. Usually new zones remain no flight too, so this is bad looks.

Please do ALLOW flying in new zones Blizzard, ignore this crazy person. If he doesn’t want to fly, then he can just not. (FYI if people want to fight you, then they would have warmode on and actually fight you, take a hint.). No flying at all just gives only one side what they want and screws the rest.


Kinda reminds me in WoD, I created a thread said how I continuesly camped a level 90 Warrior on a level 100 Mage. Oh boy, I recieved more downvotes than the word downvote itself. Point is, this is General Discussion, not “Oh look, I am going to camp low levels over and over again until they log off the game” forums.

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tanaan and broken shore were both flying. argus was no flying. this is a mid expansion patch not the last patch. you very well could get your no fly in the last zone of this expansion. but wanting people to not use their flight when they just got pathfinder finished is kinda weird, bro.

No… Broken Shore had flight. So that’s a wrong assumption.

Flying is part of the game. Has been for longer than it hasn’t.

Go play Classic when it comes out.


Looks like someone missed their Sunday post…

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Both MoP zones were no flight.


No, MoP was flying. Only Isle of Thunder and Timeless Isle were ground only.


Dishonorable kills only apply to killing npcs. Another PvEr misconception. You could kill low level players to your hearts content.

Also please follow the convo if you’re going to reply. I was replying about new zones.

So ask for no flying in warmode, not no flying in new zones.

I’m fine with either.

I’ve got no probs with flying in the new zone although I hope Blizz have a couple of months with the flying turned off. It’s nice seeing everyone out and about. Flying sorta kills that even though I know lots of people would like it straight away.

what is fun about killing a low level person though? i’ve had WM on before and kille a lowbie once for lols and then i let him get back to questing. there’s no reason to literally prevent someone from playing because you don’t like the color red. and tbh it’s strange how you seem to think horde players are in control of the hordes actions and it’s not, uh… idk… the devs doing this.


Someone call Sylvie

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Blood for blood. Burn the world tree I get revenge. Your level doesn’t matter. Red horde is dead horde.

you do realize players didn’t do that right? i have many horde toons and i didn’t go out to teldrassil and make smores at the burnt tree.