Please do not allow flying in the new zones

:ballot_box_with_check: Makes the forums unrested considering creates a post saying he is going to camp everyone he sees until they log off.
:ballot_box_with_check: Cause a disturbance in the forums, trying to pick a fight as well as harrasing everyone (calling the Horde Directly cowards)
:ballot_box_with_check: Makes a post that isn’t constructive at all.

Oh look, you sir, have earned the 3 :ballot_box_with_check:


This thread is bad and the OP should feel bad for posting it.


they give you the net item to grab people off mounts quit being a troll

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The horde is cowards. Last I checked they just killed innocent civilians? Unless you’re saying I misunderstood the lore and Sylv didn’t burn down the world tree. Or maybe you’re saying the lore is harassment?

Camping everyone I see is literally the point of this thread. It is PvP and a core function in this game. Blizzard is trying to make it harder for me to camp everyone I see. Voicing legitimate concerns about actual mechanics in the game is not meant to cause unrest just because you disagree.

Voicing concerns about changes is perfectly constructive and should be welcomed, not chastised, even if you disagree. Feedback is good for the game.

disagreeing with someone is not harassment either my dude, if you’re gonna call them out for false flagging. though tbh you are legit trolling with this and apparently can’t see that.


Calling someone ignorant and stupid is harassment, of which the person I am replying to did.

I play without warmode so you can go to the Sylvanas’s naughty place with that no flight nonsense.

I want to fly its so tiresome being on the ground all the time.

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and you calling an ENTIRE FACTION cowards is not? 0.o

That faction participated in genocide. So yes they are cowards.

horde could call the entire alliance cowards then because most only turn WM off until they get participation trophies for it. but most don’t because they don’t want their posting being interrupted.

Oh, well, he can’t tell the different between calling someone something and telling someone on what they act like:


This is a game silly :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: chill lol

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you totally won this argument so he threatened to report you because of it. rofl.

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While the original post is dumb, going to have to disagree on your reasoning. A) I’m not sure how this post causes “unrest.” If this is the new bar for unrest, wowzers. B) The faction bickering is a direct result of Blizzard’s actions through this stupid faction war trash. There have been a lot worse on the forums that had no action taken. C) If we are going by the “constructive post” part, we might as well delete the entire forum.

you’re knighting someone who has admitted to griefing lowbies until they log. is this really the hill you wanna die on?

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Amazingly, that isn’t something Blizzard acts on so technically, while kind of crappy, it isn’t against the rules.

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My hope is that with 8.2 they announce Pathfinder for the failed temper-tantrum that it is and that they are revoking it forever going forward with flight everywhere at max level for a cost.

People see anything that goes against the echo chamber on this forum as unrest. Unless it’s some cuddles thread or about some fury animal or some creepy rp waggle thread it’s bad and reported.

They hate PvPers and PvP discussion and mass report anything of the sort.

Please no elves in those zones too.

arena is pvp, rbgs is pvp, random bgs is pvp, skirmishes are pvp, how is killing someone in the barrens that can’t even fight back anything that is remotely like pvp? i’ve done quite a bit of actually pvp but i have never camped a lowbie until they logged.