Please do not allow flying in the new zones

You can easily fly out of range. You can also easily res around a tree, mount up and be gone. Flight is bad for PvP and the net launcher is a bandaid.

Yes, PVP means Player VS Player.

But this:

That is not PVP, that is being ignorant, stupid and completely rude, on top of that, being a troll.


It technically is Player Vs Player

Edit: Kurt beat me to it

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My brain is starting to replace the word flying with frying in every post I read about this topic.

It was annoying at first, but now it’s just relaxing.

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Killing Flight Masters or Quest Givers is not PVP!

Camping Flight Points and Stopping low level players from Questing or Leveling is not PVP either.


If someone is rezzing behind a tree to get away from you you aren’t simply PvPing, you’re ganking/griefing and frankly I have no sympathy that flight will make that more difficult for you.


Cowards, right… got it. :roll_eyes:

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How did I know you would be shirtless when I read that.

We’ve endured no flying long enough. The pro flyers time is close. Deal with it.


Am I killing them? Yes player vs player. Also I’ve reported you for harassment.

Ok, you do that. And I report you for trolling. Sounds good?


Arguably, killing flight masters or quest givers can incite PvP.

Asking for Blizzard to reconsider a change that impacts their game WoW…on WoWs respective forums is not trolling. So good luck with that one bucko.

You’re abusing reporting privileges.

Ok, lemme take a look at your opening post for a second?

Oh right, hang on, another part in your opening post:

Oh, and you don’t call that trolling?


How is calling the enemy faction that we are at war with cowards considered trolling? Blizzards entire premise of this expansion is horde vs alliance. The cowardice horde burnt down our home and killed innocent women and children.

Your fault your leader is a coward.

I will gank and kill every horde I see. I’ll camp every low level. Teach them a lesson.

Nice backtrack. Or I should say a nice attempt at one.

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I think they should just let us buy it again, that’s a big reason a lot of people wanted no flying as opposed to obtainable flying. Pathfinder was a disaster that killed a lot of the fanbase

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I’m not sure that flying will not have a detrimental affect on WM on therefore will see some kind of tweek or rework o it this is…truly representative of the worst of attitude in the PVP community.

If I could I would excise this exact cancerous attitude, and those that can/will not let it go, root and branch and body from the game entirely. It is what has kept the PVP community from growing larger than it has over the years. I personally have had many friends that enjoyed matching forces, even in unequal numbers, who simply were not interested in matching against people they could not fight.

People always say to me “but tht’s just PVP” and no, no it’s it’s not. It’s base bullying and shameful to those whe revel in it. PVP is/should be (perhaps just imho) about the challenge of fighting those who are not simply bots and scripts, not about being repeatedly roflstomped by someone that is simply impossible to defeat because their gearing/level mean the the game mechanics make it so.

Well, if you want to know, lets take a browse in here for a second:

Spamming or Trolling

This category includes:

  • Excessively communicating the same phrase, similar phrases, or pure gibberish
  • Creating threads for the sole purpose of causing unrest on the forums
  • Causing disturbances in forum threads, such as picking fights, making off topic posts that ruin the thread, insulting other posters
  • Making non-constructive posts
  • Abusing the Reported Post feature by sending false alarms or nonsensical messages
  • Numbering a thread, IBTL, TLDR, or any other fad statements

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, he/she will:

  • Be given a temporary or permanent ban from the forums, depending upon severity

Do you wish to still know what trolling really is?


This isn’t created for any of those reasons highlighted. So looks like you are wrong and this not trolling.

So feel free to link some other source on how this is trolling.

This is a major change that needs to be reconsidered and I am voicing my concern. Plain and simple.