No changes.
That how said person plays the game.
Here let’s put in LFR…
Let’s put in retail stuff…
No thank you. QQ more bro.
No changes.
That how said person plays the game.
Here let’s put in LFR…
Let’s put in retail stuff…
No thank you. QQ more bro.
While we are on this topic I would like to officially request that BGs are only filled with classes I am a hard counter to. /s
If you are against twinks mixing then you’re someone who will level to 60. You won’t be focusing Battlegrounds much while levelling so no need to change what is a temporary issue.
Also, I cannot see a way that this can be done without diverting away from what Classic is.
No experience from battlegrounds, no exp lock, no segregation of players based on any character factors that weren’t level based. You’d be introducing changes that are just too huge to allow.
This wins troll of the year award.
Simply speechless.
No it’s not. You do not speak for everyone. Leave it as is. Gear up or get rolled. It’s that simple. There is no need for XP in bg’s, XP off, pvp templates, seperate ques, or anything else that changes twinking.
Gear up or get rolled. A couple dungeon pieces, consumes, and teamwork goes a long way against twinks.
Twinks are not insurmountable. Obstacles? Yes. Adapt and overcome those obstacles. That’s the real fun. That is what started twinking. Competition. Compete or don’t but don’t cry because you won’t put forth the effort to compete.
So what you’re saying is you don’t like that one team isn’t going to get a trophy?
Honestly it was an idea i was throwing around.
I could have worded that differently, not everyone would be happy, but im sure alot of people would be, including myself.
most of your post is just stereotyping and overgeneralizations of both sides, twinks vs levelers. Not all twinks are bad players. Not all players play this game the same way. Some twinks prefer low lvl pvp because, you never have to regear a twink with each new expac, with the off new expansion here and there stats get changed and reworked you have to, but for the most part, you can just log in and have fun. Not all twinks are the same, and not all levelers are the same. Not all twinks are high school bullies preying on the weak to stroke epeen, and not all lvlers are mindless crybabies complaining every time they die to something in pvp. Its these kinds of comments that destroy the forums.
Currently, there is no middleground for pvp xpoff. Your either a twink, or you arent a twink. Or to put it differently, geared or not geared. There is no casual middle ground. Having a stat template would provide for that casual experience, and it would decrease the que times for those who do want it. Low lvl xp off pvp is pretty similar to raiding. It takes a ton of work to set up, certain days of the week, certain times, discord use, etc. Not everyone should have to do that.
This is what makes wow such an impressive game. There are so many different ways to play the game, and twinks have a way to play the game, that wasn’t really supported. It still isn’t supported now, but it has more than it did have. Otherwise, blizz might have just forced twinks out, with no way to turn off xp for example. So i have reason to believe it has some support. With expoff added, i remember a ton of my friends were going to stop exp at lvl 60 and raid, which was awesome, because you could not turn off exp before that announcement. The pvp template would be cool, and to say it again, not everyone would be happy. you cant make everyone happy, but currently, the que times are really bad for exp off and not everyone has time to spend organizing them. It would be nice to have that merge, but thats just me with stat templates.
As long as twinks embrace the etymology of the term more power to them.
I’d like to add that twinking is just what they do. It’s an immense source of enjoyment for them. OP is in the BG for his level bracket, that’s it…twinks are there until they accidentally level out. Not to mention that a lot of work, and gold, went into making that twink, um…twinked. Let people play how they want.
It was just hilariously ironic that after all the time twinks spent claiming they did it for challenge and skill as soon as EXP BG’s were added and twinks primarily had to fight other twinks, suddenly they stopped playing.
Well, after adding xp, they level out. Lose touch with their rivals. I can see the initiative fade. Blizz should have left it alone. I hope they do this time.
They could have just turned EXP off, of course then there wouldn’t have been non twinks in the BG’s with them…
How is this even a discussion?
How is this even a discussion, indeed.
Facing a twink group in low level wow is a good introduction to the value of gear. Learn it. Us it to motivate yourself. If you want to be competitive you have to gear up.
The game isn’t designed to be fair in all things in all ways at all times. It is designed to give every raw starter account the opportunity to be all they can be over time.
Gear up, gear alts, kill opponents, earn gold.
This is the whole point to Vanilla. Return us to a time in the game where Blizzard wasn’t constantly acting like a helicopter parent - setting up guard rails so little Johnny doesn’t have his feelings hurt.
Twinkings fun, and doesn’t always require a lot of money.
I had fun getting the best gear I could leveling without relying on runs from max levels. And I killed twinks all the time, its somewhat depends on gear but it mostly depends on how smart you are.
Either way xp in bgs was the worst thing to occur as it made it impossible to get into bgs because everyone out leveled it faster.
Twinking isn’t cheating as many who boast about bs skill from having gear not matter, there was less skill involved in legion because it wasn’t player skill to decide who won and lost, it was blizzard who decided who won and loss. You had way more specs completely useless in pvp in legion for huge segments of legion, because blizzard decided on your stats and didn’t change it to balance it.
The only thing that is really cheating in pvp is using cheats, hacks and addons to gain unfair advantage that isn’t offered by the game client itself.
So if you want to disable twinking/gearing from classic you might as well pick up overwatch and play it by yourself.
It’s hilariously ironic that you continue to ignore the fact that twinks have always been a minority in any bracket, and when they got sequestered into their own queues there weren’t enough to consistently get games.
I wish this could just get spammed into everyone of these threads because it is so so true.
If twinks couldn’t make a single queue pop across an entire battle group they clearly were a hugely small minority that just cared about preying on non twinks.
Twinks tried to ignore that but it was made plainly clear.
Won’t be an issue till bg’s get released. Then don’t pvp between the levels of 10-49.
Simple solution to a problem that doesn’t exist unless you let it exist.
No changes.
That makes no sense at all. How are you connecting the population numbers to the motivation for twinking? They are completely unrelated.