Tldr, people who work on their gear at any level will have a huge advantage in pvp. Doesn’t matter if its 19 49 or 60 you can get one tapped or completely dominated by someone who put in a lot more time on getting bis. Deal with it.
why do you keep repeating that? so what if they didnt pop for a few years when that was a thing. legion and bfa are not even like that any more and classic wont be either
Because it straight up proved that twinking was both a very minority population and a population that didn’t even care about pvp.
Just look at entomology of the word twink make sure they take that history to heart.
Twinking died after tbc anyway’s. So your point is invalid anyhow.
pointless QQ on your part. its part of the game deal with it
That’s fine, as long as twinks don’t try to pretend what they’re doing is because they want actual pvp.
it is fine, i dont say much of anything when i do it, i just want to play
Not a good idea to make changes. The same logic can be applied to world pvp. This guy has better gear than me. If you want to experience the leveling process again in bgs or the world from start, it is best to do it on a fresh server, assuming they will roll those out. I don’t remember when they introduced xp gains from bgs, but I think it was to combat this.
What is “actual pvp”? Will it exist at lvl 60?
In what context? A level 60 ganking someone leveling at 19 is technically pvp but nooone considers it skilled pvp. If twinks want to fully admit that what they’re going in BG’s is the same thing more power to them.
Is that really any different than a guy in quest gear pvping against a guy in Naxx gear at 60? I mean, if getting crushed by someone with better gear is something you want to avoid in pvp, you had best avoid pvp.
Yep but unlike the guy in Naxx gear who actually had to work for it twinks just want easy mode kills with minimal effort. In short twinks, are lazy and bad at pvp since they have to twink to win.
They didn’t work for that gear?
The guy in Naxx gear doesn’t want to smash people?
The guy in Naxx gear worked his butt off for that gear.
The twink didn’t and knew that he would have little chance of ever encountering anyone with equal gear. Hence why twinks BG’s died when blizzard fixed things.
Says the person who wants to take something fundamental away from Classic?
BGs, and pvp in general, died when Blizz made pvp an esport.
However, how does one become a “twink”? And how many AQ40.NAxx geared people were there? Heck, how many BWL geared people were there?
Hm… well twink is specifically something defined for the 19/19/39/49 brackets. The max level brackets are irrelevant.
I’d love for many people to build up twinks before BG are introduced. I’m hoping at least 1/2 of the teams player in a match are geared, it makes for better play and of course fun.
And as for the hard work thing, everything in this game is just time consumption. The game is not difficult to play and “hard work” does not apply when the time spent is sitting on our arses in front of a computer.
Holy **** this guy is preaching the truth.
and the 29 bracket.