This has likely been brought up several times but racials are ridiculous for instanced PvP, almost every high end PvPer is rolling specific races simply due to Shadowmeld or Stun reduction.
Lets just disable all racial passives and actives in arena, blitz and rbg finally and let people play what looks cool rather than min maxing by having 80% night elves.
Obviously money is made from race changes when buffs and nerfs are released to races, but money can also be made by just ending racials entirely and allowing people to pay for their race swap to something that they actually want to play.
The real net effect of this is everybody rolling alliance for the racials. I feel like a lot of them should just be turned into PvP talents so at least you have to sacrifice something else for the advantage.
It’s a negligible difference for the best racials. Stop crying so loud
I don’t want them disabled and I think they add cool flavor for EXTREMELY minor advantages. I dont think anyone would complain at all if they just made it so meld didn’t drop combat.
I’m against disabling racials, but I do think a lot of racials need to be balanced.
We’re all gonna cry when 11.5 comes out and everyone is drac for the knockback + extra interrupt + knockback immunity.
Edit: I’m glad I’ve got a few spare race changes in my account. Gonna wing slap every one of you!
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Nah i like the slight variations personally
I also like the variations but once you push 2.1k+ (like I do) those “minor” variations aren’t variations anymore as everyone is playing the same races at that point.
Rdruid one tricks would be rioting
If anything other racials need to be buffed.
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So presumably, at that point, you should know how to handle it… right? So what is the issue?
There isn’t any “handling it”, I benefit from it as much as anyone else. I cannot tell you the amount of games I’ve won because of a clutch shadowmeld on a chaos bolt or HoJ, etc. Meld is absolutely busted and it feels stupid to play anything that’s not a night elf because its so good.
Night elves have always had shadowmeld though.
Agreed except for shadowmeld. If you can be NE and aren’t playing NE (especially a stealth spec) then you’re handicapping yourself.
Did u even check my cr / xp before posting that
I can’t imagine what sort of OP racials you’d have to come up with to match an extra subterfuge or rake stun. Probably like increased movement speed, a knockback, a knock up, and a free glider off cooldown.
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No matter how many times you bring it up. Doesn’t change the fact we want to use our racials. They add RPG aspects to the game and if anything they should make racials even stronger.
I agree I want to be a spacegoat make it happen blizzard.
Let me know how you feel after the new dracthyr classes drop. Can’t wait to to watch an oppressive dps have two more interrupts and effectively 45% more movement speed with jump+glide. Gonna be so fun watching most people play dragons. What’s more sacred to this game than racials? its movement. Once movement in this game is fundamentally broken, we’re in trouble for real
Things like being able to get yourself out of every root beam aren’t really that negligible.