Please disable posting/cancel scanning features in AH addons

A couple of weeks ago I made a thread in the CC forums about why these features should be disabled. It’s kind of long since I included several updates as I found more information and tracked down more groups of people abusing these features to flood the AHs on many servers. Here’s a link to the post in case you’re curious.

Some players have reached out to me in game to share similar experiences that they’ve had as they couldn’t comment on the CC thread. After exchanging notes, I decided to create a thread in GD so that more people could share their experiences here.

I would also love to share screenshots and name drop guilds or character groupings to provide proof, but I believe that would be considered calling people out on the forums which is frowned upon.

The Premise
Cancel scanning and relisting with addons like TSM is annoying enough to deal with when people from your own server doing it. However, with the addition of the warband bank, it’s incredibly easy to craft items on one server and then access them from AH alts across numerous servers. I’m not talking about one or two, I’m talking about 50+ servers.

Even on my cluster of 4 medium pop RP servers, I’ve tracked down at least 8 accounts with AH alts on my server that also have them on 50+ other servers on average. They are easy to track because they are in the same guild, are all the same race/class combo, and have server names in their character names like xxxxcenarion or cenarionxxxx. There are several more that I am suspicious of but can’t confirm because they aren’t in a guild.

There are a few bots taking advantage of this as I’ve received in game letters saying that accounts were actioned due to my reports, but a new character from that same guild will pop back up a few days later to take their place. But this post isn’t really about bots as many of the people doing this seem to be actual players.

A while ago, Blizzard made crafting materials and reagents region wide in order to stop players from cornering markets on smaller servers. In the spirit of that, these features should be disabled as people are abusing this and driving away players who might otherwise engage in professions and the AH. Players logging on like clockwork to cancel and repost with a few button clicks make it incredibly frustrating for everyone else. Dealing with a couple is bad enough, but dealing with 10 or more players doing this make it impossible unless you’re willing to dedicate your entire day to relisting auctions yourself.

The warband bank is an amazing feature, but with it, some players are abusing certain AH addon features to flood numerous servers with auctions. This essentially allows players to automate the AH, corner markets, and force other people out. Blizzard should disable these as it would be in line with the reasoning that they used to make crafting materials and reagents region wide.


I’ve not really used TSM, but from the info and vids I’ve seen on it, it does seem to be disproportionality more powerful than other similar AH addons like Auctionator etc. Doesn’t TSM also have its own paid subs outside of the game for even more functionality?


I’m not really sure. I downloaded it earlier this expansion to play around with it and see what it could do. I really only dabbled with it a little bit, but even with that, I could quickly scan for auctions where I was undercut on and repost. It even will price match items with different stats like profession equipment and multicraft or ingenuity. I know it can do a whole lot more though.

As far as paid subs, it looks like you’re correct. I wasn’t aware of this, but I just went to the tsm website and saw this.

So yeah, that’s crazy.


What drive me nuts is when people put a single item significantly cheaper just to try to bait someone to post items in bulk at that price so they can buy them up.

This type of cancel scanning is the worst imo.


Never been a problem for me since I pay attention when I’m posting. :no_good_man: Plus Auctinator warns me if a posting price seems to low.

As for TSM I tried it once and quickly deleted it. Much to bloated and complicated for me.


They’re still scamming people and making the auction performance worse for everyone. Which is against the ToS.

Nope not against the ToS. :person_facepalming: :rofl:

Making a part of the game performance worse intentionally is against the ToS.

I assume you can quote the applicable section of the ToS? Oh right you can’t because if TSM was breaking the ToS Blizzard would have broken or limited that functionality.

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Years ago I was told by a buddy to grit my teeth and learn to use TSM, it’ll make you millions he told me.

So I did, I no longer quested, I just played the AH using TSM.

He didn’t lie, within a few months I’d made millions, made enough to pay for my sub and future expansions to come, but I eventually got tired of it and wanted more game interaction, I cut back my AH play time but continued to make bank.

I quit playing the AH in DF as it just got too hard to keep up, scripts galore, background apps running, who knows what nonsense.

I never used any automation, or scripts like they do today, now it’s all about illicit gold acquisition to sell on the internet.

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Didnt say TSM does. Posting an item with intent of baiting someone to post items for significantly less than market value and cancelling the post of their item because they had no intent on actually selling the item is a scam and degrades the functionality of the auction house for all players.

I just never cared enough about playing the AH to bother learning TSM. Auctionator is perfect for for me.


No it doesn’t. :person_facepalming: If someone falls for that it’s on them… maybe next time they will pay attention.

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Please enable the downvote button so I can downvote the OP.

Sorry but I’m not spending 3-4 hours posting my transmog loot because you think TSM is “botting.”


It’s not just about the scam. It also degrades the functionality of the auction house which is also against the rules. Though the scam is enough imo.

So many people are completely clueless on what is and isn’t botting.

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So automation, like a bot picking nodes. What’s the difference?

Well Blizzard clearly disagrees. :no_good_man:

Buncha Ferengi up in this joint.

One of the best scenes in all of Star Trek: