Thank you for posting this. I used to sell crafted things on the AH on my little server because it was a way to make a little more gold over selling region-wide things like raw materials, but I’ve stopped selling crafted things on the AH because of this.
I found that I was spending more and more time re-listing my auctions against off-server sellers and making fewer and sales.
The frustrating thing about this is that one of the promises of the new crafting system was that it was supposed to give those of us who invested time and effort in it an advantage over those who didn’t.
But I’m not competing with crafters on my little server — I’m competing with players who buy things cheap on the bigger servers and then come to my server to flip them for a profit. You don’t need any points in a crafting tree to do this, just gold and a working understanding of TSM.
I guess this is capitalism, etc. and more power to them, etc. I make far more gold now selling delve reagents and all the things I loot from chests, etc. And I don’t have to re-list my auctions every fifteen minutes….
At any rate, I wish that they’d either make the entire AH region-wide or make it so that things bought from the AH would be account or warband bound.