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Still have my eye out for strong DPS!

We are still looking for strong DPS but always open to exceptional players.

Still looking for dps for our Mythic roster.

Balance Druid - interested in applying for rdps. My main is a 212 Boomkin: 10/10N and 9/10 H. I also have two alts: a dk (191) and a mage (200) that I could switch to for different encounters if the fights called for it. My btag is CopiousSalt#1963. Would love to chat and see if I qualify!

215 disc priest
10/10 heroic
2/10 mythic
12/12 mythic Nyalotha. I’m looking for a home and you guys have my pref raid times <3
discord: FairyBear#2310

Added! Always open to exceptional players!

Still on the lookout for new members!